How to start a conversation with a man?
Sometimes the beginning of a constructive conversation can put a good question. To tie casual conversation, find a topic that absolutely caught the man who drew thee. In the classical method of dating, when one person approaches the other and says: "We can meet you?", There is one drawback! Before, I often used this simple method, but at one point, I came across "hard man".
And certainly you ever met a such brutal handsome, gipermuzhestvennyh and superseksualnyh. About them is usually a joke saying that if they fall face down on the asphalt, then broken pavement, not a person. And that's how easy it once pulled me to come and speak to this type. Not wanting to be original, I just came up and said:
- A young man, and can meet you?
- May - he said. Said, as cut.
- My name is Vick.
- Vladimir - again, he snapped.
Hung tense pause. I do not know what more to say but it seems, was not going to facilitate my task.
- How are you? - I asked.
- Okay.
- What are you doing?
- Sleep.
- I'm a journalist working on.
- Cool.
Yet some time we have continued to this highly informative conversation between two idiots. After that, I still found a pretext to withdraw.
How to start a conversation with a man? " The fact is that not all people are naturally talkative, and hunt up a secular casual chatter. Quite a few men kept grimly silent, but that they do not become less attractive. Just some difficult sometimes to maintain a conversation. And if you want to acquaintance went on smoothly, try to skillfully direct the conversation to you in the right direction. And for that learned how to ask questions.
Years of study at the Faculty of Journalism not been for me a gift. I learned to talk as if my companion - a star guest on a talk show. And this is very important! In communication should be friendly informality that people feel it is a guest of talk show, not a prisoner under interrogation.
Try to ask detailed questions. Then there are those that can not be answered unequivocally "yes" or "no." For example, instead of asking: "Do you like this show?", It is better to ask: "Which picture do you like most? Really? And why is this? "Do not ask intimate questions or mercantile. If you want to find out the material and the marital status of men who are familiar with, act as thin as possible so as not to startle.