How to start a new life
Now is the time to actively implement dreams. Shake off the dust from his "dream book", read his notes. Think about where to start. It is best to define one big dreams and a few small ones. For example, its main goal to improve the work / find a husband / purchase of machine. In this case, in passing to some of their mini dreams. Such as: buy shoes from Chanel, to have a puppy, go to the photo design courses or Japanese. But be careful not to focus on than one, for example, on an urgent search for a new husband or a boyfriend. Otherwise, your goal will become an obsession. And to her you will not be happy, and with desperate stubbornness ("I'm still a'll do!" Nobody can stop me! "). Is unlikely to contribute to the early results. Yes men and scare women desperately seeking "someone to pick up something."
Make a detailed plan, how to start a new life . It may look like this:
1. Careers: want to become a top manager / find more interesting creative work / earn more money. After that, count up, what steps can you realistically take to hasten the implementation of goals today.
2. Myself: I want to cure split ends hair / lose three kilos / learn how to flirt, etc. Again, sign for, what are you going to do to realize their dreams.
3. Personal life: I want to find a rich / beautiful / sexual boyfriend for a family / whirlwind romance / sexual adventures (underline).
And so on. How should consider and simulate a new life, a life without a former lover. However, not to delay decisive action. Of course, the fantasy - it's very nice and even helpful. But one little fantasy. Admit it, it looks pretty stupid when the girl all day lying on the sofa, consuming donuts, while passionately wants to lose weight.
Likewise pointless to sit at home and fantasize how one day marry beautiful foreign prince. In this case, you have expired passport, you do not know any foreign language and does nothing to make what is dating abroad. The man himself architect of his own happiness. Of course, to understand what happiness is for you, you must dream of. But that happiness has come into your life, you need to take real action. Get together with forces. Today you finish dreaming of a new life and begin to build it!
It's time to change
You can disguise a Blonde or increase hair. You can pierce your navel (but only if you have long wanted it). You can change your wardrobe, and from a strict business ladies turn into a sexy Femme fatale. In short, if you feel quite sane and adequate - good cheer! Just do not overdo it! This is especially true rash decisions on the need to pay a visit to a plastic surgeon.
According to statistics, more than half of decisions on the need to go under the knife is taken by women after a painful break with her beloved. Are you hoping that the new shape of the nose or fourth breast size will raise your self-esteem? You do not expect liposuction or a tummy century will help you quickly find a new man? Think so at least naive. Plastic surgery - it's not the usual beauty treatments. After she needed some time to recover. And the result, and the consequences are unpredictable.
In this from bitter experience convinced my friend Jeanne. After her divorce from her husband she has carried out his dream: to increase the breast in three sizes. Former her that forbade, believing that the natural size more suited to her delicate carved figure. Unfortunately for Joan, he was absolutely right. New breasts looked awful. Of course, Jeanne radically transformed. But, alas, for the worse. On top of all the troubles the body began to reject the implants, had to lie down for a second operation. Here is a cheerless story from which you can make only one conclusion: no matter how hard you're with me, never betray yourself. And always think twice before you decide what is the cut! In the end, even regrowing hair, but the new nose - no.
Hey, gentlemen!
Look around. A woman after breaking often turns into a horse with blinders on the eyes. The first thing you can do - to get accustomed to what the men around you. Perhaps among them inadvertently wormed Same? Often, a break with one man allows a fresh look at the other. That is what happened with my friend Lisa Heartbreakers. Spoiled by man's attention fell in love with a beautiful blue-eyed macho Maxim. He was a tough nut to crack and also very windy man. He threw Lisa after a short but whirlwind romance. It was not easy breaking of relations, but also a serious blow to her vanity. "I do not know what to do, - says Lisa - the first time in my life I felt used and discarded as useless.
After that I was a few months could not even look at men. And all this time I kept Garik, my childhood friend. We chatted a lot. Quite often where you were together. One day, Garik admitted to me in love. And although I always thought he was just a friend of his words to heart warmer. Once again, I felt like a princess. My eyes were opened. I suddenly saw an old friend of this man. More than that: a man with whom I would have been nice. Now we face more than a year. I think if it were not for parting with Maksim, I would never consorted with Garik. I used to have just not been able to appreciate it. "
Maybe it's time you look at the men who surround you. Are they the ones who you truly love? Who prevails? Honest, intelligent knights? Or, Man About Town? Maybe cads and con artists? Carefully evaluate your environment. If the result makes you sad - it is an occasion to reflect seriously. Psychologists have found that our circle of close friends is a kind of mirror. If, for example, most of your friends men sin and frivolity frivolous attitude to life, look to yourself: perhaps you yourself, deep down would like to live day to day, not looking far ahead. Maybe that's why you're looking for a reliable and responsible man? Maybe you just want to shift the blame and all the serious issues on your partner?
Another principle that can form your male environment - a "reverse". That is, you get everything that he condemns. If you hate Don Juan, the destiny will always push you to the windy smoothies. If the spirit does not make smokers, most of your friends probably will smoke like a chimney.
This is not the law of meanness! It's a little lesson: learn to accept people as they are. Be forgiving of other people's shortcomings, and men need to answer you the same. It's so nice when beau pays no attention to a couple of extra inches at the waist or held accountable for the burnt dish! So, once again a good look at the men who surround you, but this time without a grimace sentence ("this is too thick, and he not rich enough"). It is possible that the new lover is closer than you think.