How to stop worrying and start living
When a brutal Chinese military leaders were tortured their prisoners, they tied their hands and feet and put the bag under the water, from which dripped continuously ... drip ... day and night. These drops of water continually falling on their heads, eventually began to seem captives hammer blows. As a result, people went crazy.
Anxiety recalls continuously falling drops of water, and his constant exposure often brings people to insanity and suicide.
Few things can wear out, embitter the woman and destroy her beauty as quickly as anxiety. Anxiety makes a person repulsive expression. It makes gripping jaw and face covered with wrinkles. Worry gives a gloomy view. From anxiety can turn gray hair, in some cases they even fall out. From anxiety spoil the facial skin ...
Cargo future additions to put the past behind, you take on himself in the present, makes the trip in the way of even the most powerful ... Senseless grata energy, mental anguish, nervous anxiety pursue the footsteps of a man who worries about the future ... Cultivate the habit of living in a period of time, separated from the past and future "hermetic bulkhead. The best way to prepare for tomorrow - to concentrate their strength and capacity for better implementation of today's cases. And even better use of your time to solve the problems of tomorrow, than to regret what happened yesterday.
Professor William James, the founder of applied psychology, told his students: "Be reconciled with the existing circumstances, because ... the adoption of what happened as inevitable, is the first step in coping with any difficult situation."
In fact, when we were reconciled to the worst, we have nothing to lose. Thus, it automatically means: we can all get!
This makes sense, does not it? However, millions of people have destroyed their lives fierce indignation, because they refused to accept the worst thing: refuse to act to change something, refused to save what was in their power to destroy, instead of trying to change their lives, they were engaged in lamentation on the "shock fate. Such complaints could only lead to painful condition called melancholy.
We must prepare ourselves to be able to cope with various kinds of anxiety. To solve any problem should first gather the facts. After all, if we have no facts, we can not even try to solve problems rationally. Not having the facts, we are only able to rush in a panic. Confusion - the main cause of concern. Concern Half the world is caused by people trying to make decisions before they get enough information that makes these decisions. If for me there is a problem to be solved in three hours next Tuesday, I did not even try to make a decision until it is next Tuesday. In the meantime I'm concentrating on gathering all the facts related to this issue. I do not worry, not panic, do not lose sleep. I just concentrate on gathering the facts. By that time, when it's Tuesday where I am before all the facts, the problem is usually solved by itself! If a person devotes his time to gather facts and do so impartially and objectively, his anxiety usually fades in the light of knowledge.
I now know beyond doubt that the biggest problem that we are facing (in fact almost the only problem that we with you have to deal) - is picking the right frame of mind. If we are able to make this choice, we find ourselves on the way to solve all their problems. The great philosopher Marcus Aurelius, who ruled the Roman Empire, has expressed this idea in ten words that can determine your destiny: "Our life is what we think about it."
In fact, if we think about happiness, we feel happy. If in our minds there is fear, we fear. If we think about disease, it is possible that we are sick. If we think about the failures, something we will certainly fail. If we wallow in self-pity, everyone will avoid us.
You think that I'm advocating a primitive optimistic attitude to all your problems? No, unfortunately, life is not so simple. But I am for what we need to develop in a positive rather than negative attitude toward the world. In other words, we should care about solving their problems, but not to worry about them.
If you want to stop worrying and start living, follow one rule: Keep the expense of his fortune, and not his troubles!
Every day we are working tirelessly in the service and run around like squirrels in a cage. In the hours after work when we enjoy the rest and seems to feel most happy, the devil lies in wait for us to worry about. After all, just at this moment we think that in life nothing is accomplished, we marking time: it seems to us that the head had something in mind when he made his remark, or deplore the fact that lyseem. Our imagination paints a ridiculous picture then allegedly befallen us life failures and exaggerate the slightest mistake. At this time, our brains like the engine operating without load. He works at a breakneck pace, and there is a risk of combustion or bearings complete its destruction. Cure for anxiety must be fully engaged in doing something constructive.
One of the most tragic human nature, as far as I know, is our tendency to delay implementation of their aspirations for the future. We all dream about a magical garden full of roses, which could be seen somewhere over the horizon - instead of enjoying those roses that grow under our window today.
How strange that we spend a little time interval, called our life - wrote Steven Lee Kok - the child says: When I become young men. "But what does this mean? Young man said:" When I grow up. "As an adult, he says : "When I get married." Finally he's getting married, but that little has changed. He begins to think: "When can I retire." And then, when he reaches retirement age, he looks at the passed their way of life: how would cold wind blowing in his face, and before it is revealed the cruel truth about how much he missed in life, like all irrevocably gone. We are too late to realize that Mr. Cape l life is life itself.
When I was a little boy, I once played with the boys in the attic of an old, abandoned wooden house in northwest Missouri. When I get down from the attic, in a moment I set foot on the windowsill - and then jumped. On the index finger of his left hand I had a ring: and when I jumped, the ring caught on a nail head and I took off a finger.
I cried. I was gripped by terror. I was sure I was going to die. But when the hand is healed, I had a moment was not worried about it. What's the use thinking about it? I am resigned to the inevitable. Sometimes I do not recall for months about what the left hand, I have only four fingers.
Several years ago I met a man who ran a freight elevator at one of the business buildings in downtown New York. I noticed that he had no left hand. I asked: Is concerned about the absence of the left hand? He replied: "Not at all, I hardly remember it. I'm not married and I remember about it only when needed vdet thread a needle."
It's amazing how quickly we were reconciled with almost any situation in life - if we are compelled to do so. We adapt to it and forget about it.
On its path of life we find ourselves in many unpleasant situations that can not be changed. They can not be different. We are faced with a choice. We can either accept the situation as inevitable and adapt to them, or ruin their lives in protest against the inevitable, and possibly bring yourself to a nervous breakdown.
I'll give you the wise counsel of one of my favorite philosophers - William James: "Agree to accept what is already there. Reconciled to the fact that already happened - the first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune."