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How to strengthen your intuition

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How to strengthen your intuition

Development of intuition. 

How to strengthen your intuition.
Step 1

A few minutes think about what you really have a powerful subconscious mind that there are absolutely correct answers and solutions and that your subconscious mind will find them for you. Try to move from a logical understanding of these facts to their emotional perception. Once this happens, you will feel the excitement. Consciousness must be constantly reminded of existence of such a powerful helper, as the subconscious. You should feel confident, realizing the latent force within you.

Step 2
Clearly specify what you want from my subconscious: what answers, solutions and views on the problem you want to get from him. Repeated several times to myself that at this very moment your subconscious mind works for you. Do not strain trying to provide possible answers. Communicate with your subconscious mind with confidence, constantly repeating the things you want from him, but expresses it in words, as if it already does this for you. "Now my subconscious tells me ..." Repeat this to yourself at least ten times, to feel that the process has begun.

Step 3 

Sit back and fill your brain certainty that you will discover the correct answer. Remember that faith and confidence - is not just a sensation, and vibration energy. These vibrations will attract the right solutions and answers, like a magnet attracts metal. Brain, in which the oscillations occur the energy of confidence in the correct answer is naturally finds this response. Imagine that you feel as find the correct answer: excitement, joy and relief. Feel it right now, but do not tense up too much. Should not be day and night think about what the subconscious will soon tell you the correct answer. Performance of all three steps is not more Five or ten minutes. They are best done every night before bed. The transition from wakefulness to sleep is the most opportune moment, when you can reach the subconscious.


Often the answer comes in the form of foreboding or thoughts that arise in your mind at the moment when you least expect it. This can happen, like Steven Spielberg, driving a car or during breakfast. Sometimes the answer may be prompted by "a quiet voice from within," who whispers to you: 'Go there, try this, call that person and so forth. " The ability to recognize these premonitions and listen to the inner voice does not come immediately, but eventually you will master it. Should not be upset if at first you do not succeed. Most no one explained how to use intuition, so it is not surprising that many find it difficult at first. This ability is similar to the muscles, which grow and become stronger from training. You will develop intuition, giving it its due attention, turning to her, trusting her, and acting on its tip. But you must first believe in its existence and start to listen to it. Do you ever walked through the woods with a man, perfectly versed in the birds? He will notice ten birds, while you see only one. His eye is keen, and he knows that he is seeking. From the constant practice of his hearing became more acute. The same happens with intuition. Watch carefully and listen to what's going on inside you. First, you may be missing a big part of what prompts you to intuition, but soon learn to hear it. It is much easier than you think. All that is required of you - it's a bit of practice and belief.

Very often intuitive ideas come to us in a dream. Dr. Frederick Banting and brilliant Canadian doctor who discovered the chemical composition of the insulin in a dream. He dreamed everything exactly the steps that needed to be done to open for so long eluded him formula. Inventor Elias Howe sewing machine working on her project for many years, but for the completion of its creation it has remained one small detail that he could not think. One night he dreamed he was surrounded by savages, who sent him the strange spear - at the end of each spear was the opening. Howe awoke with a firm decision - to do at the end of the needle eye! This small detail was the key to the invention of the sewing machine. The subconscious may suggest solutions each time differently, but you always feel that receive visceral information on the quality of ideas, as well as a feeling. Joy, confidence and overwhelming you feel: "This is it!" - These distinguish an intuitive sense of the ideas from the other thoughts that arise in your mind.


A certain attitude and style of behavior will contribute to the development of intuition, so they should be cultivated. There are many ways by which you can send a subconscious that was required of him, and get what you want. Having accepted the existence of intuition and confident of its power, you will create the preconditions for its operation. If you learn to think of intuition as the natural and beneficial part of everyday life, it must show itself. But such thoughts as "I will never decide the issue" or "I would never find an answer to this question is" signal intuition that is not worth a worry. Positive thoughts and beliefs that you deserve not just a response and best response, moving the intuition of the positive activities.

Do not hesitate. Boldly speak to your subconscious that his wisdom, knowledge and power guide and lead you. At night I talk to my subconscious as I'd talked to his friend. I tell him (at the same time repeating this for myself), that it is omnipotent and has access to "absolute knowledge". I confidently explained to him that it must fulfill for me. Then I calmly asleep in the full confidence that all will be satisfied. It always happens. That statement, which you also should try:

"My subconscious - this is my partner in achieving success." By dividing this statement to pieces, you will notice that it consists of three key elements:

1. "My subconscious ..." Asserting this, you acknowledge the existence of the subconscious. You acknowledge and accept their "invisible partner" as actually existing. You are once again reminding yourself about it. Do not be afraid, with reminders not to overdo it.

2. "... My partner ..." Partner - someone who works with you hand in hand to achieve a common goal, the one who shares with you all the hardships of this work, each one of you decides to own set of problems. Why not let your unconscious mind to do what he is best able - to provide you with accurate information, ideas and answers? " In any situation you are not alone and adrift, because they always can rely on your subconscious. It provides you with ideas and a source of positive activity.

3. "... To achieve success." The word "success" is a powerful statement that expresses all that you would like to achieve in work, relationships with people and life in general. Mere repetition of this statement causes fluctuations in energy that will help you achieve a goal. From the book subconscious may still
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