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How to strengthen your relationship

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How to strengthen your relationship?

So you've met and helped elect him to fall in love with you. Now we need to strengthen the relationship that they eventually gained the integrity and stability, for which both of you expect in a family life. By themselves, the relations do not develop. Find your way to his heart. Feeling of love gives rise to the dignity, kindness and patience. Your affairs with men would go better as soon as you raise in your own eyes. Especially if you are not afraid that the man will reject you on one of the following three reasons:

your level of education;

lack of knowledge about it;

Your background, culture, way of speaking.

Let none of these reasons, not separate you from the chosen one. Here are some tips to help you feel confident with him. In order to be successful in a man, you should be aware of his actions, work and intellectual interests. There you have your own profession - good, but his work should know. You should at least be able to keep the conversation in an area of interest for him. How to strengthen your relationship?

1. Expand your thinking, expand your horizons by visiting a library or bookstore.

2. Most men expect from their wives' awareness of current events, so at least occasionally watch television news, especially if you have not read the newspaper.

You can completely captivate a man, podkidyvaya him at least a dozen new ideas for meditation every week. He will be hungry, and then the need for a new food for thought.

3. If it appreciates in women's education, but you do not have a university degree, you learn every week at least one new fact, which he did not know. His idea of you going to get better.
4. Show interest in something: enthusiasm is contagious!

Even if your listener does not know much about what you care about him be passed your enthusiasm. Next to you, he will feel the excitement and thrill. No man ever wants to entertain a woman. Start with the questions on the theme of good men known to him it was easy to answer them. Then go harder questions. Gradually happen, "the convergence of minds" required for a successful marriage. Use your mind to attract a man.

 Compliments and praise he will accept from anyone, you still have to earn his respect for your mind, without it he would not marry you. Not accidentally Duma deputy Irina Hakamada says that the Russian woman to earn the respect of male colleagues to work three times more than they are!

It is important that the man you saw in person, capable of deep and think clearly. If he thinks you can think better than him, he will be sure that you can feel as deeply as he did. Usually, a man seeking woman, in his opinion, worthy of him.
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