How to take damage if you know how or what it have guided a
Spoiling for a dog barking
This damage made to the people at loggerheads among themselves. When they hear a dog bark, then we say a special plot, referring to those who want to quarrel. Especially often do damage to this wronged maid, who increase the groom. Then the wife, who had previously lived in love and harmony, starting with one another layatsya. Remove this damage can be read. Buy live fish and put it on ice. Until the fish goes to sleep, read a conspiracy:
Fish, creature of God, God created you mute, you're alive was she could not read, and dead is dead, not say a word. Every creature of God, all his share. Brehat dog, wolf howl, crying hare, a servant of God (name) to keep quiet yes to God to pray. While a servant of God (name) prays to God, everything in the world settled. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
For the same bear grain and give peck the rooster and chickens, saying:
Grain in the ground were not screaming, crying, out of the ground sprouted grains - silent ear poured - not say a word, which is not in the yard were not opposed as long as their chickens and a rooster pecking a humble silence. And servant of God (name) to keep quiet so God, pray, sin otmalivat. Servant of God (name)! Do not scold, do not zhuris better pray to God, for themselves, for me, for the whole world. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Spoiled picture

Blight on the photo - perhaps the most frequently encountered spoilage. Shoot it quite difficult, because the must-have in stock photograph, in which the damage was done. And what a magician you give it voluntarily? So the best way to remove such damage - confession and communion. But as per the confession all his sins can not remember, you need to repeat it 12 times, going to confession every Sunday. Spoilage can be removed earlier - if you remember, and repent all their sins. To do this, read the prayer for the gift of repentance:
O Master Christ our God, Who passions His passion is my istselivy His sores and ulcers, my uvrachevavy, give me a lot of you sinned, tears of emotion; srastvori my body from charm to Resuscitating of your body, and enjoy my soul with Thy precious Blood of sorrow, eyuzhe me soprotivnik watered ; lifted my mind to Thee, dale drooping, and bring from the abyss of perdition: He hath not the imam of repentance, not the imam of emotion, not tears of Imam comforting that is building to the children of their heritage. Darkened mind in everyday strasteh, I can not vozzreti to you in sickness, I can not warm up with tears, which is shed for you love. But, Lord Jesus Christ, the treasure of good, give me repentance, and fully in the recovery of heart lyubotrudnoe yours, give me Thy grace and renew in me SPAR Thy image. Left Thee, leaving mene, depart on my recovery, build to thy pasture and sheep izbrannago soprichti me thy herds, brought me with them on cereal Thy Divine Mysteries, the prayers of Thy most pure Mother and all Thy Saints. Amen.
If you manage to get spoiled a photo, then take a church candle, light it and drip wax on the photo, saying at the same time such a conspiracy:
Oak stands in the field, behind that oak trail, winds, spill, road will turn out. The road runs for miles and miles away, for tridesyat keys. Tridesyat keys silver, followed by a key resin. Mother went to heaven, The child carried the cross, crying, sobbing, tear dropped her resin, where a tear fell, there tar key struck. Who is that water washes the eyes, the blindness does not know. I'll wash, wash the darkness from my eyes, the light of God give the glory of the Lord and His Mother the Blessed Virgin Mary. Amen, Amen. Amen.
Transfer of damage
Damage can be transferred from human to any animal. It is best to make the transfer is not a living animal (otherwise damage back to you when the animal dies), and the dead. For example, the store-bought chicken or fish. Light a candle and crisscross hen this candle. Then take a long needle and pierce the chicken with the words:
Take myself for what I do not need, but you do not
Then read the spell:
Lived Adam and Eve ate from the tree of paradise. The Lord was angry, from Paradise of Adam and Eve expelled, the whole damned creature, the suffering of people gave. Hen you're a creature of God, the God given us, to suffer, to torment. Take my curse, take my spell, you suffer, and I servant of God (name) raise. For the first time Kohl, Paradise recall another time stab the tree of recall, the third time Kohl, remember the snake, the fourth time Kohl, Eve, remember the fifth time Kohl, Adam, remember, the sixth time in Kohl, the first sin, remember, the seventh time, Kohl, remember God's wrath , the eighth time, Kohl, an angel with a sword, remember, the ninth time stab the gates of paradise closed recall tenth Kohl, Adam and Eve lament, eleventh Kohl, land sorry for the twelfth time stab, all creatures of God's pity, thirteenth stab, you have chicken, beg your pardon. Take a spoiled, return healthy. Forgive me, O Lord, enlighten unreasonable, vozdvin fallen, for they all are possible unto thee. Amen.
You can remove damage by water.
At midnight, pour a glass of water and saying to him:
Water God, water Kolodeznaya was death by water, become water of life! Lord, if you're a true water, sanctify this water, wash away with the servant of God (name) curses lessons prizory, evil eye, black speech, jealousy, hatred, lihoe fun, bribe, disorder, any damage, any damage. Evil, depart to their parents and to us by God the father. Water wash, bless the holy cross. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Now wash with this water and go to bed.
Robbed a dream
If you are constantly being tormented by insomnia, you may have on you is induced spoilage.
First, a plot that will help you regain sleep. Reading the water, wash and wipe in front of icons:
The Lord my Savior, the Virgin cover my Archangel Michael, my fence, cherubim, seraphim canopy, my cross, my holy defense. There is no stronger than the power of God, there is no stronger than sleep in servants of God (name). Anyone sleeping in the church carry on the throne of God treasure, the Royal Doors bar, close the bishop's seal. Do not start a thief, do not start an evil to the throne of the Lord, do not sleep pokradet servants of God (name). Night comes, sleep on the throne, the stars are lit, the lamp unquenchable fire, sleep stores. Servant of God (name) is sleeping, her angel sleeping guards. Amen. Amen. Amen.
And now the guardian to sleep did not lose. Read it at bedtime.
Golden dream, a dream in silver, precious sleep. Thief, thief, do not steal a dream servants of God (name), steal the stump so the deck so the black water. And how pokradesh stump so the deck, but the black water, bring to udavlenniku at the grave. There you sleep, you rest there, there you vekovat century. Amen.
Another good read prayers at bedtime. These prayers are very much: the Lord our God, Mother of God, guardian angel, prayers of various saints, etc.
Spoiling for a tip
It sometimes happens that people ruin oneself by drink, because he made.
Maria Semyonovna said that decorate such damage is easy, the difficulty is only that the forces of each person is different, and therefore need different conspiracies. She advised me to give some conspiracy, and you too will choose what suits you best.
1.Zagovor of booze.
Standing forest, woodland swamp, it dried up aspen. At the aspen rope dangling from under that aspen black river flowing, black wine pours. Who is that wine drinkers, the mind loses, because money spent on drinks. The servant of God (name), forbid you to drink the wine, now and forever and forever, now and forever. The Lord gave the vine, the Lord is the life blood shed, the Lord's true blood wine, drink it now, resorted to the Lord, the Lord of communion, the Lord healed. The mind is sober, intelligent head, mind, spirited, zealous heart. To life, healing, for good, to pray. Amen, Amen, Amen.
Read it to be for women in the women's days, men in the male, observing ubylny month and working on holy days.
2.Zagovor of booze on the serpentine trail.
If the snake crawl on the sand, it shall remain a trace. Put your hand on this trail and reading, sweeps his hand. Leave in silence.