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How to talk to the girl on the phone

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How to talk to the girl on the phone?

Call ... Let's say you've already got acquainted with a dozen new girls got their phones. And now you sit and do not know what to do with them. As usual, it happens. The nicest, most precious girls you vyzvanivat try at the last moment, leaving them for later, but "later" is simply not happening. In my experience, the participants in trainings refused to call precisely for those who they most liked. The main excuse - I'm still not ready for it.

And how do you imagine that moment? You'll be ready to think what to say, and then when you will overshadow do something brilliant, you call her, and she will say: "Oh, how wonderful that you called? Or do you think that the beautiful girl - the others? The first rule - to be clear it for yourself. First we need to call those girls who do you like most. It is with them you will have success, it is likely. Because with your pretty special you will behave at least sincere. Say to yourself - "I'm better ALL!" And call her!
How to talk to the girl on the phone? " Most people ask me for training: "What should I tell her?" A good question for! Anything! The main thing - confident voice. Try to begin to shout in order to disperse. This is a good way. Poorat - in order to clear the cords ... Start with "Hello." And wait for a response. Poetry! The main thing to understand that she may have reason to communicate with you, whatever you like. I want you to understand that there may be circumstances in which she will talk to you dry. And it does not depend on you. Perhaps it is:

1) at work, where around a bunch of jealous aunts;

2) next to her is her boyfriend or husband;

3) it is inconvenient to talk for other reasons;

4) she had a terrible mood, monthly, the cat died, etc.

Of course, if you openly rude in response to your "hello" or offer, say "bye". But the women are rude very rare. Have it in mind. If you're rude three girls in a row, thought that can be changed in communication with them, which may be the reason for their negative reaction. The fact that I once read many books on seduction. And, frankly, none of them have not found a guide to action. The question: "What do I do now to my purpose, which has long been ripe (communicating with me on the phone), was intrigued and wanted to meet me?" - I am now ready to move to make recommendations that significantly raise the effectiveness of telephone conversations with the girl, because she - is your goal, your prize.

The basic rules of telephone conversations

Rule for dating: always ask when it is convenient to call! I'll start with this simple rule, which, oddly enough, very significantly increases efficiency. Why? First, you show the person that you have serious intentions. This is especially effective if you approach with the legislative oupenerom: "Hey, you're like me, come on the phone!" (She still does not have time to pay attention to the seriousness of your intentions.) Secondly, the question "When to call?" I was asked to each seminar, there is no per se. Need to call whenever you like, but at a convenient time for her.

 A friend of mine met tamozhennitsey. I flew from Kazakhstan, and he saw me. And charming tamozhennitsa sitting at the airport. He otmazyvalsya, but I still dopinal him, and he approached her. She liked me too, but we were separated fate itself, though someone should get all the same it was. We chatted with her, he took her phone. Then he says:

-I called her just after she otpahala his shift. Day after two runs. She just came home from work. And we talked with her so that as a result I no longer want to call. Person's mood depends on his daily regimen. So always think about what time it is more convenient to call the person.

Rule time limits

There are no limits! I recently heard from another member of the project the myth that the call to 3 days and after 7 - 10 days phone burns. That is, you can not call because the probability vyzvona girls have less. Yes, I know about this old approach. It is based on the fact that you can not hide his strong interest in a person when you call him the same evening. As if you no one else to call. Do not rush things.

But remember, it all depends on the situation. It depends on how you know the person. Personally, I prefer to make an appointment for tonight, because tomorrow night I might be going to an appointment on the other. Some I simply remember one girl called in a year. And the efficiency is not affected. The only thing that is important in a phone call - your personal qualities and your ability to intrigue her. And that you'll get, I'll even tell you how.

Rule conservation resource: never deletes the phone!

Many boys and girls in a fit of anger remove phones of people by denying them or rude to them. Why? To forget and not remember? Indeed, many of us are removed phones in order to reduce the importance of girls to stop thinking about her. But you leave yourself the possibility of a year or two, when you learn and gain experience, try one more time its forces on the objects that represent the complexity for you before.

I had a lot of cases, when I met with through the years to deny me women. By the time of the meeting, I knew why they did it, as had the experience and analyzed the failure. And by the way, our relationship with the vertical moving in a horizontal "If you do not get forgotten man, give him your phone to your friend (friend) and say:" Train, enjoy:) "Inside our hangouts just because resources are not lost. The result is a snowball, where interesting girls to entice more and more; felt mutual support and drive! Live actually becomes fun.


1.Vsegda ask what time it is more convenient to call.

2.Net no restrictions, but allows for routine person.

3.Ne remove lefony if you were denied, simply write or Dari them to other people.

4.Vse it - the game, and refers to the first date, how to play.

5.Ostav first message, if you have not answered, then forget about it, at least 3 days.

6.Myagko give the other party know that you - a busy person. Save time.

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