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How to teach your child to experience difficulties

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How to teach your child to experience difficulties?

Teach your child not to idealize friends, classmates, teachers, neighbors and the general situation of the world, and take it for what it is. I would say more, if the child is being bullied mentally unbalanced adults, then you can show him the funny pictures of a dirty pig and say: "Never fight with a pig. You must make oneself dirty and the pig is just a joy. " Checked, works instantly.

As said the great Dalai Lama: "When we are faced with an opponent, a person or group of people unkindly disposed toward us, in such a situation one can see a reason to bring up the patience and tolerance. We need these qualities, they are useful to us. And the only reason to develop them in themselves - a challenge to the enemy. From this point of view of our enemy - it is our guru, a teacher. Regardless of the motives of our enemies, from our point of view - they are a true gift, a blessing. "

Remember that when something goes wrong, as you'd like, thus the universe, God, the Creator point to some of your mistakes, failures. Is a kind of educational work of higher powers. You need to understand these tips and act in accordance with them. Yes, we always are creating everything that happens to us. How to teach your child to experience difficulties? When the child appeared bitter tears of resentment, support him with the words: "Honey is my all for the better! Do not take anything to heart! Know that after this case you will become even stronger. All passes in this world, so that it is guaranteed to be! "

Thanks failures
It is believed that God never sends us adversity and difficulty, which we could not stand it, and I completely agree with this. Therefore, learn even at the most terrible test thank God sent down the test. Say out loud, even by force: "Lord, thank you! Thank you for your lessons! Thank you for the life study! I know it's for my own good. " When you change the angle of reflection of the difficulties encountered, they will be much less because you show the higher powers that work out his karma. You consciously stop blaming what else God, life, government, city, neighbors, friends, children and parents. When you give thanks, feel free to take responsibility for their actions. You show a higher power that you understand: difficult situations were sent down for your own good, they are hidden opportunities for improvement.

Lamentations of a dolphin

If a child is hurt a strict teacher, calling him a jerk, but it's a rude word often comes from the lips of some teachers, that he will hold a forgiveness meditation. To do this he must relive this bad moment to remember the person the offender, in detail to restore the words and gestures, and say all the three magic words: "Forgive me! Forgive! Let go! "Explanation of these words is:" I'm sorry that I hurt (hurt) you. I forgive you from your sins and let you go with love. "

Those three magic words must be repeated for as long as the child does not become easier, while inside he did not appear a certain warmth and joy. Very good offense eliminates the so-called cry of a dolphin, which by nature are endowed with small children. What is a dolphin cry? Have you noticed how the insult sobbing children? Yes, yes - it's two short breaths and one long exhalation. Remember? That is the same cry of a dolphin. Specialists proved that such a crying really "dissolve" insult, until she lodged deep in the subconscious.

Buzz fun!

This is a fun exercise helps in the most difficult situations to me personally and many of my followers. Children to make it an enjoyable one. And how much benefit it brings! I will not torment you bluff. This exercise, like all brilliant, very simple. It is based on metabolic human memory. As you know, man, there are two memory: genetic and metabolic. Well, the good ones, we always manage metabolic memory. After all, our body works well as a harmonious orchestra. It consists of billions of cells, each of which separately operates as hundreds of factories.

All the orchestra conducts metabolic memory. Proved that every 85 days we have completely updated the body. For example, skin cells were recovered every 5-7 days, the cells of the stomach - in 3 days, and bone requires several months. A reasonable question arises: why, in this case does not heal the body, the disease persist? The whole point of metabolic memory. So, in the happiest moments of your life - for example, you bought a chocolate ice cream, you learn to swim or find a gift under the tree - in this joyful moment when your soul is so happy in seventh heaven, say out loud or to myself: "Well- g-g-g-g-g-g-g! "From this day every time you very well and happily, once cherished bear hummer. For what?

And to the most difficult time to pronounce this Hummer: "Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well, Well!" And here is a little miracle! Automatically triggered metabolic memory, and your body remembers the very happy and joyful moment. The mood is automatically raised at the very highest level, which you reached a happy moment of life. Works fantastic, I promise! Believe me, you will become much easier to experience the complexity and difficulty.

I'm gay cub in crimson polka dots!

Dear friends, Please remember the golden rule. Treat your life easily, effortlessly, then it will respond to you easily and cheerfulness. I have already mentioned the law of detachment. This vital position is shared by many tycoons, bureaucrats, politicians and businessmen. They excitedly "play" in the management of their organization, and even in running the country. They consider each of its major action as part of a game. In their case, the game called "I - the president!" Or "I have - a sharp businessman!"

How to teach your child to experience difficulties? Explain that the study should be seen as a game called "My school, relationships with classmates and friends - as a game called" Friendship "etc. And what a game, fortunately, the children know far better than us adults. They understand that every game has a winner and a loser. Therefore, there is nothing wrong in that one game you temporarily lose, because in the other you are sure to win. More fun to live, guys! Jolly sees the whole world happy. " Remembered the words of the great Goethe? If a man lives playful, fun, then it all can be easily obtained even in seemingly hopeless situations.

When everything goes wrong, nothing happens and life is colored gray-brown tone, you urgently need to transform into some unthinkable unreal and ridiculous character that does not exist in nature, and in the name of this fictional image of mentally doroguschy give gifts to their abuser or problems. For example, you have a woman on which her husband has left, and gay chubby cub in crimson polka dots. The essence is clear? Of course, the more fun, more effective work! You need to stay young lions some time, and the problem will fade, and life is getting better by itself. Oh, and do not forget to give your thoughts offenders limousines, yachts, checks for millions of dollars, diamond rings in a few carats, etc.

Try it and see for yourself! Of course, this technique is effective for parents. So, dear parents, do your best to insecurity, fear, despair and pessimism is not settled deeply in the consciousness of the child. This is the most important mission of the parents! Remember the unwavering strength of spirit of Queen Cleopatra. Although Octavian and captured Egypt, but seeing the Queen, has passed away, he admitted: "You beat me, Cleopatra!" Yeah, about that and the words of Hemingway: "A man can kill, but it can not win!" Hopefully, I managed to persuade you not to hang up his nose at the temporary setbacks and problems.
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