How to tell a child of God
It is wrong to hope that the child grows up and he tackles issues of faith. Of course, he grew up, he will deal with it without you. But do not tell him at least ideological of information - then leave him alone with the problems of life, death, meaning all that is happening on the ground. In the end, every child wants to know why some people go to church, being baptized, and others like doing the same thing, but a place of their Sunday visits a mosque.
If in the 1980's level of religiosity in the city is 10-20%, while in rural areas and 25-30% higher (on average somewhere around 20%), then research the early 1990's show an increase in the level of religiosity and 40 -45%, and at the end of 1990 - up to 60%. More recently, there has been an outflow of parishioners. In the State Register of the Justice Ministry today reported more than 20,000 religious organizations, representing nearly 60 denominations, churches, religious movements and denominations. More than half of them joining Orthodox Christians. The second most popular religion in Russia - Islam.
So, in our country, is the main religion Orthodoxy and Islam. Muslim God's name is Allah. If you are a civilized people, then the comparison of religions and beliefs you would not spend in a negative way - a better and another worse. Here are some wise parents:
Just-Orthodoxy closer to us: our grandparents believed in the Christian God, he supported them in difficult times, kept them from harm and able to answer the most important issues.
"Even if people did not have a decent defender in the family and no one could give him advice, has always been an authority that, at least, thought of the poor man and warn him.
Bog - a hope for protection and that all problems will be resolved satisfactorily.
Bog - a mother, a bright person. He also holds strong.
"God - a Santa Claus" ...
Oh yes, one of my friends moms and explains to his six-year son:
"When some people came up with Santa Claus. You believe that Father Christmas - is a very good grandfather, who remembers all the children and prepares all of them gifts?
-There is no Santa Claus no. Sasha said that gifts to give to parents. You gave me my favorite candy and a CD with the game, which I had requested.
-Tough question. I also have never seen Santa Claus, after it grew. But I think he does not come to the big kids. You know why?
-Because they're nasty and misbehave?
"Why is that? Very nice guys there and they behave fine.
"Because they are not fools?
-That's right. But not the main thing. From 10-12 years, every child goes to another level. He becomes closer to Santa Claus and he starts to do what they do all the Santas. Prepare and present gifts, to care for children - is the most direct their duty.
"And if I do not want to do this?
-As you wish. But then to your children will never come no Santa Claus.
-But you're still going to give them gifts?
-Who, grandchildren? Of course, I will. And thou and thy wife will be. Only all the children still waiting for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.
This is one of the first talk of supernatural forces in our lives and one of the ways how to tell a child of God. Even if you are an atheist and do not consider it necessary to bother about this, as an educated man you will not deny the importance of mythology in shaping a child's personality. Its meaning is not to befuddle him ("religion - the opium of the people" and all that jazz) but how to build personal integrity, in the inner space of which all the characters are defined and agree with each other. There are some questions that can not be answered clearly and directly, no matter how truthful we did not want to be in front of our children. Can you answer the question, what is love? But you definitely can tell a dozen stories about good and bad love, how it can inspire and humble. And how hard to unravel all its secrets and to avoid all the traps. Love, God, Life - the biggest and most difficult comprehensible projection of personality. Talking about them can and should be a long time, revealing different sides as for myself, and for the child.
Santa Claus - a good start. Fairy tales, in spite of their pagan content - this is the first level of generalization of life available to the child. My French colleague, Odile Karre investigated the influence of fairy tales on the psyche of the child and found that they have an enormous impact on both the psychotherapy of the child and his relationship with a man who tells the tale. By itself, the process of storytelling soothes and nourishes children's minds at the same time. Tale can sleep with your child thousands of situations - difficult, dangerous and joyful. It makes us closer to our children, thus preserving not only the integrity of the individual child, but family unity.
Good Wizard
Another shaped "prototype" of God - a good magician. Wizards inhabit different tale. It seems that in our domestic tales, the world appears more hostile than, perhaps, would be worth. We always something Baba Yaga, the Koschey, the Goblin, the Nightingale-robber. But U.S. analysts put in the example is Russian folk tales where evil characters do not need to fear - with them to negotiate, and if need be, and fight and cheat them. In each heart are not only bright characters, but dark. As in life. Russian fairy tales, well-known psychoanalyst Clarissa Estes, allow to develop intuition of the child, to train his instinctual sphere. In a life full of situations that require vastly increased domestic resources, to resolve that can only be intuitive, relying, if you will, on its own acute sense of smell. It's hard not to agree with Estes. Remember: you go right, go left, right go? .. Exciting time. Typical among other things, the life situation.
Thus, a fairy tale - one more step on the way to talk about important and philosophical themes.
Since the same right to answer the question of whether there is a God or not - asks a parent.
-Yes. It is! Definitely need to answer, that is. At least, because to date the majority of people in the world believe in its existence. And is it an idea, a living being or essence of life, the child will be addressed later by yourself. Can be answered more accurately: "Most people think that God is, and it helps them to live."
Responding to questions from the child, it is important not to close the topic, and perplex him, and leaves room for other issues and arguments. This means that we must always be ready to honestly admit: "I still can not answer this question. Let's think together ... "Unfortunately, the methods of education policy adopted in our families, lead to opposite results: often a child will never contact you with a question that it is so hard dalsya.