How to tell someone that we are no longer together ..
One of the most difficult tasks when parting - to inform about the incident of friends and relatives. Where to find the right words? And as to inform all concerned about the break, so they do not have tortured you sympathy? How to tell someone that we are no longer together? " Good to be a star! Any unpleasant events in your life will tell the newspapers and magazines. And your interests are always present personal press attaché. Even if you are still your personal life is not too worried about your parents, after the break you suddenly become the main topic of conversation. Be a hero of family gossip, it is not too pleasant. But how can this be avoided?
If your relatives are adequate enough to support you in difficult times, feel free to contact them for help and consolation. Honestly say that you broke up with her boyfriend and you now easy. Try, however, does not go into the juicy details and did not stir up unhealthy curiosity with phrases like: "Of course, in bed, he was rather weak! Maybe the best that we parted ways ... I do not want you all to tell ... it's too personal ... but it's beneath my dignity to endure such a tiny advantage of what he had. "
During a conversation with the relatives is best to speak briefly and clearly, without concrete examples, and get rid tested platitudes.
1. "We went because we do not got on together."
2. "We're too different people and different from the life we want."
3. "I am not yet ready for such a serious relationship / it is not yet ready for such a serious relationship."
It is better to speak so as not to give a special food for imagination and woven.
If you know for sure that communication with family / friends on "why you broke up with her beloved" finish, at best, your nervous breakdown, you should not expose themselves to such additional tests. Ask someone else, like my sister, to serve as your press secretary, who will give families the necessary information. Let her make a statement on the family council. You still better until the time of escape. Go away for a weekend in St. Petersburg, the cottage, a couple of days tarry with a proven friend who will not get you sympathy. Make family a short call: Say you've got everything in order and you need some time to be alone to reflect on all what happened. For example, my ex odnogruppnitsa Zina had parted with her boyfriend (and part-time supervisor) Anatoly, escaped during the May holidays to the country to his brother.
- It's a shame! I can not stand it! - Zina scream, struggling to immediately go to the dean's office and take akademotpusk. - What I now tell parents? They're saying that the affair with the teaching does not end good! As I have them now in my eyes look? Yes, they told me to light szhivut his eternal: "We did warn you!"
Forty minutes later, coaxing the whole group Zina all still agreed not to go on vacation before the weekend. And after the May holidays, Zina returned from a remote village tanned, charming and full of vitality. It turned out she had a great time and even managed to spin the hurricane, though hopeless, love affair with beefy tractor Mishan. When Zina came home from relatives there was virtually no opportunity to comment on her break with the professor, because Zina chatters incessantly about his visit to the village about the stork, which she saw on the water tower, and Mishan, which she promised to return. Relatives of silence, rejoicing that perished affair with a professor all still pined away, and quietly hoping that their son-in does not become a tractor driver Mishan ...