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How to transform a boyfriend

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How to transform a boyfriend?

For a woman to look after itself - the same routine as breathing. And for men ... How do I get to shave off his prickly stubble? How to persuade to change clothes more fashionable? And can we do to make it more appealing appearance? Previously it was thought that for a man enough to be a little more beautiful than a monkey. Today the situation has radically changed. Beauty salons have ceased to be exclusively feminine abode, monthly on display kiosks can see a bunch of male magazines, describing recent trends in male fashion. And modern girls do not want to turn a blind eye to flawed men's looks, especially if these deficiencies is quite possible to fix.

Down with the chopping stubble, flabby belly and hairy back. A man of your dreams must be beautiful. If your choice is not a distinctive taste and / or a desire to direct Marafet, take them myself. But very carefully, so in any case not to hurt his feelings. You can not fall in with the criticism. Remember how annoying to you most to hear negative feedback about your weight, wrinkles, wardrobe, etc.
If you want to update its image - act. For starters, you can give him those things that you most pleased to be seeing a loved one. But be careful. Choosing clothes based on the nature and lifestyle of her boyfriend. Remember that things need to emphasize their dignity and not to mask his identity. For example, if your guy is jovial and soul of any company, working journalist gossip columnist, he is likely to be extremely uncomfortable to wear classic, conservative business suit. And do not mindlessly cling to her lover's strange image. If you like, looked like ripped jeans on Leonardo DiCaprio, it does not mean that they are equally well suited to your man.

Another pressing question: how to lure her lover in a beauty salon? Of course, if he is metrosexual - such problems should not be (but in this case, all the rule number 19 for you, most likely irrelevant). The fact is that many men still why it survived a prejudice that beauty treatment - only for girls and sexual minorities.

You can start a conversation from a distance. For example, say: "Honey, I think you would have gone another haircut, can, go to my master?" Or "Would you like to give you a subscription to the solarium / rocker / pool. This is useful for health. " If in your dreams man should be muscular, like Apollo, we can persuade him to do sports together. You may ask:

- Yesterday, a long time dream to join the gym and pump up the press. Maybe join me? And then one as somewhat boring, and lazy. This is the ideal trick to transform her boyfriend (as well as transformed itself)! Now you know how to transform a boyfriend - Act!
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