How to treat friends and relatives conspiracies
Seriously hurt himself, and sometimes even harder when a loved one who is suffering, but you can not help anything. Although it just seems so that you can not. In fact - our best disease from person to take, to help him cope with the disease. And a word of prayer and sacred ancient conspiracy can bring healing.
I phoned the woman, named Natalia and became a terrible story to tell. Her sister, a young woman of thirty-five is not yet, scalded with boiling water. Now lies in hospital with severe burns, the doctors insist on skin grafts, although it is very risky - a woman's heart problems, can not have surgery under general anesthesia. Relatives were in a panic and someone gave them my phone number and advised to ask for help.
I gave strong plots and advised to read them during the operation. And, of course, to pray for the health of the patient.
Surgery went well, and after scars delayed right before our eyes, and indeed the patient felt much better - the beginning of their own to eat, speak with family members.
Her sister continued conspiracies to read - on each ampoule, on each tablet, even over the bread, which she ate. And the result was simply amazing - everything has healed perfectly, and even cosmetic surgery is not needed, since there are no scars left.
How to talk medicine
We need to take pills or medicine bottles in his hand, firmly pinch and whisper:
Flying black crow. Flew and sat down without claws. Pecked without nose bitten off without company. Sorry, comfort all sorrow, all pain. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.
How to get rid of headaches
If the disease is accompanied by headaches, so a person on a chair and set him on the bed, and if the hair in her hair arranged, with their hands to shoot and comb thoroughly.
In the left hand take a raw egg, the cross and say:
Good luck to good work begins.
After that, in the face, head, arms patients spend an egg and a conspiracy, see:
I did not come in a good day to give, I came to remove the disease, out of the hands, of feet from the head of the brains of the eyebrows, from the eyes of every vein, sustavochki. I myself do not take out a complaint - the Mother of God and all the saints, be to help! Ty did you come at noon, ti did you come to dinner, ti you come in the evening, ti you come in the night, ti didst send you, ti you come in radoschah, I'll cast out, banished to the waters where the water turns, where people do not go and nmax do not fly and the animals do not run. There you go, there you walk! Yellow bone does not break! Lord, cleanse, Mother of God, cleanse, mother earth, cleanse, all the saints become a help.
Thrice conspiracy read.
Take a glass half with water, break the egg into it, stir and vyplesnite all in the sink. The headache should go away.
Conspiracy over food and drink
Preparing to give medicine to the patient, or herbs he brews, make lunch or dinner - all the crosses and triple-says:
Christ resurrection - the enemy was gone. Amen (3 times). Unclean spirit, gin from God's slave (name).
Conspiracy of the sleeping
When the patient is asleep, with his holy icon of the stand next to the bed and says:
Come, malaise, neduzhitsya. Fully servant of God (name) to suffer. Pod with a servant of God (name), neduzhechek. At the very back, where people do not go where the horses do not trample. Can I, the servant of God (name), all the ills to speak.
Incantation oil on aching muscles, joints, back pain
When the disease at pains in muscles, joints and bones, we must take the oil, consecrated in the temple, put a night on the windowsill over and tell him this:
Month, you're my month, where have you been? - I was at tomsvete, I saw there the bones and bodies. To bone is not lomili and Teles would not hurt.
Butter to grease the sore spots.