How to turn dreams into reality
Let us remember our childhood. On most cherished desires, we wrote the letters to Santa Claus and waited for the New Year's Eve, these desires must be fulfilled. Time passed, and we learned that a good red-grandparents did not exist, but we still continue to dream! And, as strange, but some still wish to come true! Why only some? Quite simply, our thoughts we can run into force the laws of being and as a result get what you want.
Studying the human brain, the researchers concluded: Our thoughts form in the space of wave energy, we naturally can not see them, but these waves attract new ideas, the right people, etc. If we use this law, we can achieve what is desired. To many, this approach may seem unrealistic, they say, if it was, would have already received all of the life they want.
So that every now and then to get what you want to start to understand yourself and understand, but if you really need it? Then you have to learn to dream right! Great significance for the dream has its origin - it's your dream or you her someone has imposed? In order to achieve the desired help us teaching coaching.
Coaching - the revelation of human potential. It helps to learn, grow, and it focuses on your quest for purpose and the tools that can help achieve it. Let's try using simple techniques that doctrine to fulfill their dream!
Begin to dream right!
Day off, you wake up and acidly taschishsya to the bathroom. At the same time thinking to myself: My God, what a mess! Instead of the weekend I'll clean up, wash and cook! How I got sick of it as a draft horse, a husband is not questioned even garbage make ...
Well, no .. with such thoughts you will never attain that dream about. Yes, and you probably dream about it once! Stop complaining about your life! The more often you will think that your husband you do not appreciate that children do not you help that no one at work with you is not considered - the more likely that it is this your life will be. In this case, a simple law of attraction works: you get what you think. To program itself to the dream, you must first learn to think positive!
Look out a baby!
In childhood we all have something dreamed. Someone wanted to become an artist, someone astronaut, someone dreamed of a beautiful castle on the beach. Growing up, we have gradually declined from that dreamed about - Lena wanted to dance, but my mother persuaded her to enter the teaching, Alex always wanted to sing, but instead gave it to dad to fight, Ira dreamed of becoming a fashion designer, but decided to come with a girlfriend for the company in Institute of Medicine.
Grow older, we all believe in is less than your dreams. "I do not have enough talent," "That I can not", "For this I have no opportunity, we assure ourselves that we would be better if we leave everything as is. We are afraid of what lies ahead and we are afraid to change anything. Remember how you dreamed about as a kid? You were not afraid and not a moment doubted that you could do it!
Let's try to discard all the "No" and start to dream, as formerly. Some little boy dreamed as a child on a toy - so there was a first toy factory, once a little girl sewed their pupae dresses - so has its first fashion house, once a little boy to dream and tell stories about the unprecedented fabulous creatures - so there was The first book of fairy tales. Is not it beautiful?
Tuned to the positive!
Positive thinking is not only a positive effect on the human body as a whole, it is able to attract a man of his dreams! The fact that our thoughts are material already known around the world and was able to prove it experimentally Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto. He photographed the crystals of water that was in a room where there was a huge release of negativity - swearing, cursing, anger, and in areas where it was sent to thank, in the words of love, read poems and prayers.
Liquid crystals as a result have a different shape, the water which fell upon the negative emotions that had deformed crystals of unusual shape, the water is sent to the positive emotions that had all kinds of beautiful crystal snowflake. We all consist of 80% water, so our thoughts can change us as the better and for worse.
Step 1. Let us follow his thoughts during the day. How often in the minds there are words such as "do not want to", "will not", "tired"? If such thoughts are often overwhelmed, try to switch yourself on what you like, and interesting.
Step 2. Start your day with gratitude. Thank God and the universe for a sunny day outside my window, for your health and your family for a meal, a roof over their heads, etc. It does not take much time and a month later a habit.
Step 3. Establishments notebook in which you will write formulaic utterances like: "Pursuing a career seriously - can not pay enough attention to the family", "rich people are mostly amassed ill-gotten wealth", "creative people living alone and strange." These statements are far from the truth, we can be successful and have a harmonious relationship within the family, you can earn money honestly, you can be creative at the same time not alone and inadequate.
In order not to be unfounded write down on another sheet positive statements you can use the names of specific people - famous or just friends to confirm these statements. The first list you need to burn, thus freeing themselves from the wrong settings.
Do not be afraid to indulge in childhood!
The many issues we come too critical, in an adult. Scarcely begun to dream about something we find so many reasons, which point us to our dream unfeasible, which in the end, we reject it from.
Step 4. Despite the fact that we are no longer children - the child lives in each one of us. Imagine that you can ask the child what he wants? Add to a paper all of his desires even the most improbable. Do it is desirable not at home, and let the nature in the park, at the cottage.
Step 5. Design the dream. Thus it is desirable to do so does not mind, but on paper, for example. If you want to live in a beautiful house in a magazine or newspaper to cut out the house they liked, nature, machine and make of all this collage. At this collage can be positioned themselves to your favorite cut from a photograph. Be sure to sign this collage of inspirational phrases: "My favorite family", "I'm happy," "I loved," "I go on vacation to the Maldives . " A collage of your dreams must be placed in a conspicuous place so that you as often as possible could see it.
Step 6. On his dream always says or thinks in the present or the past tense, as if everything you've dreamed of has already happened. For example, not "I'm sick of this job would quickly get rid of it", and "I choose the work that is interesting and I like it." After this, imagine what kind of job would you like to have, which employees should work with you, what you need to have a salary, etc.
Dream is to delight and inspire!
Too often, people trying to something, by hook or by crook trying to realize his dream, put the achievement of a huge amount of work and emotions, and eventually get what you want, suddenly caught myself thinking that the result has not brought happiness ...
Step 7. Ask yourself, does your dream energy, it inspires you? If a beautiful home and expensive car you want just because it's all there for your friend and you are not worse - execution of this vision is unlikely to bring joy. But if you dream about some particular country house, because imagine how your future children will be run on the green grass and breathe fresh air and fun - so motivation will give you confidence and give energy to achieve his plans.
Step 8. Once you have decided on the desires, motivations and imagine that all of what you like you've reached. Try to analyze the situation, what do you feel? Are you happy? What has changed with you? If you feel happy, then you are moving in the right direction, but if you think that once something is missing - the revision of their aspirations, perhaps you something not taken into account.
Step 9. Think that is the basis of your aspirations? Perhaps you are driven by vanity, and not the true desire of your heart. Now consider how execution of desire can affect your family, friends, loved ones. Perhaps you dream of improving, but are well aware that, after receiving a coveted post you "podvinesh" close friend and eventually lose it. Do you bring happiness promoted at such a price? The dream must not bring harm to others, only then can you be sure that it will make you happy.
Changing attitudes and habits!
And now, when you know exactly what you want, what do you need it, make sure that this dream inspires you and will not cause harm to anyone - it's time to act!
To change came into our lives we must learn to change their habits. If the goal is global in nature it must be broken down into small tasks that can be done gradually, one by one.
For example, you want to get any particular position, evaluate your ability, if lacking some skills, think about how you can get them. May need to undergo any courses to learn English or even go to study in another profession. The most important thing to start somewhere, and as the solutions of some problems to pass to others.
Step 10. Last and very important step toward his dream - review their habits. Dreaming of a prince on a white horse, for example, a beautiful smart and successful, for some reason we persistently fail to notice that they themselves do not fit perfectly to his ideal. Dreaming of a prestigious job, we too lazy to improve their skills, we somehow think it would do so. Know how to get rid of the old and the new opening and then your dreams will come true!