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How to unsubscribe from experience

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How to unsubscribe from experience?

Get rid of the very important ideas for you is almost impossible. But you can consciously get rid of negative emotions when you have an idea for a meaningful somehow destroyed. Thus, it is very important to you the idea ceases to be an idealization, and simply remains your ideal that you allow to break, because the world is diverse and is not necessarily so, as you could imagine. Cancellation experiences? Let the world be as it really is in reality, not in your illusions! You are not the Creator of this world, and does not require that everything here happened just as you wish.

For example, you are very honest and always experiencing when you meet dishonesty on the part of others. We offer you remain honest person, we assume that the world is diverse and there for some reason need dishonest people. If you have accepted this assumption, now you do not condemn the dishonest people, and just trying to understand why they appear in your life and what lesson wants to give you life this event. Thus integrity of the idealization turn into a norm of your behavior and you will get out of the spiritual "educational" process. It's not very easy, but if a simple idea like: "If this is the case, then why is something you need, and not for me to judge how and what should happen - consistently lodge in your head and you try to guide her, she very soon yield positive results.
The first and easiest method by which you can get out of the processes of spiritual "education" is the mind's volitional rejection of experiences in violation of redundant relevant to your idea. Realizing that it has an idealization, you mentally tell yourself about the following words:

"Sorry, Life that I gave excessive importance to his ideal. Now I understand that you created such a diverse world in order to prove me wrong my beliefs.

Henceforth, I assume that people will violate my ideals, but it is - not an occasion for experience, but just food for thought. I'll be watching with interest these people and trying to figure out what lesson they give me. Apparently in my something is missing, and they are my teachers.

I will not behave as they do, but also to experience some negative emotions towards them, I also will not, I do not need. The world is beautiful in its variety, and I am glad of it! "

A little long, but complete. You can somehow upgrade this idea - the main thing that remains the essence: you do not change yourself, but let other people do not meet your expectations. For example, you remain honest throughout, but not to fall into the experience, if someone has cheated (or just trying to fool) you. You understand that the world is diverse and can not consist only of honest people. For some reason it needed and dishonest people - for example, somebody has to ruin your idealization of honesty!

Such mental rejection of experiences you have to be carried out continuously, at least two to three months. If you do this quite frankly, after each experience, the long-term negative emotions can get away forever from your life. Will soon experience - well, let him, they will vary your life. It is better if you spend this procedure when filling Diary retrospective, which we have examined in detail in the chapter "How to know their idealization. If you remember, there after each analysis requested to write that you undertake to continue no longer survive in the event of such a situation (in tabular form of a diary).

If you overwrite in the Journal such a commitment a hundred times, and even more (along with other positions), you'll find yourself on the fact that you began to experience an emotional negativity in 5-10 seconds after its occurrence. And not three hours (or three days), as usual. And once caught herself, then the negative will not - you just will not let him free! Your mind tame unnecessary emotions, and life will not have to give you their neradostnye lessons. And your way to the desired goals will be open!

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