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How to win the trust of a child

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How to win the trust of a child?

Parents often ask themselves this question, but sometimes, unfortunately, too late, when it is very difficult to regain lost trust, respect and credibility. First of all, do not lose that trust. After the first days of its existence, the kid sees you and his defense is always running to my mother, when someone has hurt or has something does not work. So do not violate the physical and emotional unity that arises between you and your child. Smile, talk with your baby, no matter what he does not understand your words, for it is superior, that to communicate with him, has a value of intonation with which you say the word.

Unity established between you and the baby from the earliest days of its existence, over time, of course, will change, but will still be a unity of mother and child, only a convert to the new, meaningful quality. You will avoid many problems if you become for him not only his mother but also a friend. Child is able to feel and understand love Is it happy Does it include whether to respect it. Hence, there is little to tell him that his love, he must fully find this evidence not to get so that you are talking to him about his love, but in fact it feels very lonely.

Deception leads to the fact that the child is gradually losing confidence in adults, because at any moment expect danger. Constant vigilance unnerving it makes the timid and whiny. In no case can not be fraudulently seek anything from him. For example, if the mother had gone to the store and my dad says that his mother will soon return and bring something sweet, the kid starts in anticipation of running from window to window. But when Mom finally arrives and brings her father promised sweets, he has a frustration, and resentment of him crying. If this happens repeatedly, the baby no longer trust you.

Parents have no time for children

Lack of maternal love and attention to causes that the kid is closed in itself, becomes a lonely next to loved ones. But children's loneliness - a thing quite horrible. Parents are addressing their problems: career, finances, personal lives - giving the child himself, loss of relationship with him exclusively on uhoda.Ochen is very important dialogue with their peers. And if the baby is shy himself to make contact with other children, he needed help. Here invaluable assistance of adults. It must provide to other children by name, ask what they are and not take any more of a party. Common among boys is always someone who takes a newcomer under his wing, helping him settle into the new company.

But sometimes it happens that it may offend, calling, think of him insulting nickname. After these incidents the child is closed, preferring solitude. It may be that unsociable made his own misconduct, which caused severe emotional stress. Playing with other children, kid could inadvertently drop his friend, get a snowball ... The sight of blood and inconsolable crying can make a tremendous impact on the psyche of the baby. As a result, he abandons the usual games, does not communicate with friends, do not go out for hours prosizhivaya home, and all persuasions meet a flood of tears. In this case, it is impossible to persuade or to curse. You can help restore emotional balance, talking, explaining the situation so that he has cleared a guilt complex.
Employment of modern adults - one of the hallmarks of our time, when parents manage to, but the main job, to run on part-to have two services, taking on cases at home. And if a child brings up a single mother? Here, the question of upbringing normal, healthy person is very serious. Decision to have a child due to adoption of adult responsibility for his fate. But consider themselves the primary cause of all, what is happening with him, did wrong. Child is able to answer for their actions. It is necessary to ask him to do something himself, he realizes that he must answer for their actions. Endless guidance and instructions to, and even more complaints and lamentations after his indiscretions would lead him to the aggression.

How to win the trust of a child? How to call him to be frank? To understand your child change his behavior, to make contact or return the lost trust, you must first change yourself. Open your eyes. After you are accustomed to all his ban and demanded the unconditional submission. This is convenient for you. But try to understand what the child has his own "I" own affairs, aspirations, needs, self-sufficiency. Realizing this, you will be able to soberly assess your relationship with him. Analyze their behavior, their attitude to the baby, every gesture, word, action, put yourself in his place, and this will allow you to establish rapport.

It is important to understand that education - it is collaboration, cooperation, mutual influence, mutual (emotional, mental, spiritual, intellectual) between adult and child. To successfully raise a child, parents certainly need to adjust their behavior, engage in self-education, not to give bad examples. If you want to get him besprikoslovnogo meet their demands, which in fact do not follow yourself, it will be possible only through coercion: the child will meet the requirements formally, because of fear of punishment. This fear, ultimately, gives rise to deception, hypocrisy, cunning 
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