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Human Resources

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Human Resources

There is such a therapeutic metaphor: "In psychology, as in diving: how much air is at such a depth and swim." This means that in order to embark on new voyage, it is important to understand what I have human resources , to which I can rely to survive the changes in my life with the least losses and difficulties. Any change - it is always a crisis. When we are entering a phase of crisis, we let the old waste material life (any illusions and beliefs, perceptions of themselves and the world), sometimes changing circle of acquaintances, friends, and sometimes - a place of residence or employment as the old ceases to meet the needs of the newly discovered ceases to be nutritious. These changes are not simple, since parting with the good, even we need it, always sorry, and ahead of an unknown novelty. Therefore, in the way of change is very important to understand where to draw the support, where to take the strength and knowledge of how to restore and maintain the body, mind and soul.

One such resource is the life experience that we have already received. As long as we treat him like a pile of trash, or load of trouble, it does not benefit. But stoituvidet it - treasure chest, covered with dust and old, should be held in its revision, taking away valuable and parting with unnecessary, as it becomes an inexhaustible source of wisdom. This source always comes in handy when we embarked on a new business, which had never done before, and feel insecure. The following exercise will help us learn how to benefit from the experience. Think of an event in your life, which was very difficult for you. So difficult that turned things in your life. Answer the following questions in writing:
1.How event occurred?

2.How the original circumstances of life have complicated the experience of this event?

3.Bylo the event unexpected?

4.Skolko warning signs saying that things are moving for the worse, have you noticed?

5.Kogda it happened, the extent to which you are able to monitor developments?

6.B extent to which changed normal life in an event?

7.Mogli you imagine a way out of this situation, and that hurt to submit?

8.Naskolko seemed uncertain at first out of the situation?

Take a look at your life, remember some of these crises and found among them in common:

• What do you usually ostanavlivaetimeshaetvamde-latto that vyhotite?

• What you lack in yourself and the world in order to feel confident and get what vyhotite?

• Chtovam pomogaetobychno reshatproblemy?

• Write down the answers in his diary.

Each of us has enough experience and wisdom to cope with difficulties. On the basis of all that you learned in this book, you will now take the exam itself. The first part of the exam in the next exercise. Imagine being in a difficult situation got someone else. And you - the man who can help him advice. Make a universal guide for overcoming the crisis. Do not forget to insert a few important words: "feelings", "support", "vitality", "self", "self", "worst", "best", "most probable". Often it seems that if we could change something in our past, then that's when life would be! However, this is misleading. Precisely because we are pro-lived that survived, we know now what we know.

Obstacles and difficulties

The second resource is the obstacles themselves. Yes! Our obstacles and difficulties are in fact not an obstacle, and unconscious needs, we always have a chance to realize them, finish and move on for other needs. If we find ourselves in a situation where we need help, and our obstacle - a rule that you can not take care, then our unconscious need to really - to violate this rule. And then there is the development, completion of requirements and a transition to something new - and in life and in human relations.

Support for friends and understanding people is the third important resource. Man is always in need of others. However, not everyone is willing and able to support you. In order to change your life comfortable place, it is important to surround yourself with people kindly related to your changes, supporting your values, feelings and dreams, your ideas and ways of living. Often, for many people who come to us for training, such support is provided by the other band members. Many continue to see each other and support each other and after school. It's amazing and wonderful, when it is possible to connect to the support of your change of relatives, friends and family members. Usually they are more difficult to react to changes, but if we can get them interested, then they themselves begin to change.

The fourth important resource is your inner wisdom - the knowledge of himself. In order to discover its source in itself, do the following exercise. Take the paint, paper and brushes. Imagine the wisdom in some way. This may be a substance, animal, object - any object. And draw on the wisdom of the paper. Put it on a chair in front of you and listen to yourself: what do you feel this merits-Wisdom? What it seems to you, if you imagine that it is alive and has the character? What would you like to ask her? Write a list of questions that you would like to ask her. It can be any question, though, "how many years I marry, and that do I need to do."

Only forward

Fifth valuable resource - it's your decision to move forward and not look back. I think it is most important. Quickest and best changes occur in the lives of those people who have nothing to lose. The therapist is saying that all problems can be solved in two ways: psychotherapy and treatment life. Most people solve the problems of the second method. He is in his own good - no need to exert extra effort to speed up his life, especially her study, enough time to get to the head of fate, and draw conclusions. However, this is a long way. Wisdom from the experience gained in this case comes after retirement. Nevertheless, it is the people who get in his life many tests are able to rebuild their lives quickly, because the severity of these tests leads a person to think that it's better to change my life, than to suffer what is already unbearable to endure. And the man moves forward, because it adjusts the intolerable circumstances.

Decision on the execution of the planned change - only the first step to a change in life. But this decision must still fulfill. In the Toltec tradition is the rule: "A warrior is always remember that death is behind the left shoulder." This means that if we remember that life is not infinite, if we ourselves are responsible for the way it is constructed, then we can win "the battle for power." In life there are many stages in which either we take what we give one or another stage, or we will lose this opportunity, Postol-ku, since this stage in my life will end, and some things because this will be for us to be lost and then there will be only mourn these losses. Timeliness, attention and trust in the wisdom of life - that is, perhaps, the main criteria for success. Do not wait, when circumstances will lay you. Our main resources are embedded in our relationship with all: other people, with the laws of nature, with the past and the future without losing the present moment. If you remember that each of us - part of the world that exists for us and for our happy life, you can always rely on it.

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