Human primitive
All primitive people have few common features almost mandatory. This low intelligence (but not necessarily very low), the absence of express special abilities, constant use of expletives, scandalous relations, alcohol and sometimes a tendency to their excessive consumption, the specific sense of humor. Entity has in its arsenal of non-robust means of influence on people, he does not know how to be polite, is unable to persuade, it is reasonable to discuss the problem, propose a compromise to change their point of view, finding an unexpected solution. Therefore, it remains only two means of influencing the interlocutor: the direct violence and brutality. As already mentioned, to demonstrate how physical violence is limited everywhere, but rude (swearing, spitting with anger, verbal aggression, threats) can be used in most situations. Therefore, the rough style of relationship is only possible for the primitive.
Due to the non-"weak", thin, but smart and subtle strategies of primitive becomes a habit to a single "strong" modes of behavior. This method consists mainly in the humiliation of anyone. He is not looking for other options, because with only cope with any life situations. Metaphorically speaking, the result, an habit to work with a crowbar, not a soldering iron, he has a crowbar to repair the TV, although TV and ceases to work, but well suited as a bedside table. Therefore, people who constantly have to deal with the primitive man to become primitive themselves. That is human primitive contagious. (As with all contagious primitive style of relationships - and even so I attribute primitivism to disease, rather than, say, to the disadvantage)
The use of expletives simplifies thinking as easy evaluation. Man, get used to swearing, no longer distinguish between shades of good and evil. All around for him evaluated by dvubalnoy scale: the worst is (substitute any mat), and this is the best class! great idea!!! plus obscene expression with a positive value. Speaking of cursing, you do not think so parrots can eat well obscenities. Preference curses - the tendency to switch off intelligence. Therefore more likely to scold a group of people with relatively low intelligence, such as: lower social strata, children, drunks and habitual alcoholics, soldiers, prison inmates, lunatics. True, in many cases, this causes not only low intelligence, but also moral contamination.
Profanity directed against the sense of honor. Any obscene statement, addressed to another person, is intended to destroy his sense of honor. Interlocutor called (quote literally): the son of an animal, sexual perverts, some organs of the body, making love for money and so on. If a person does not object to such treatment, his honor or destroyed or heavily underdeveloped. That is, the abuse leads to the destruction or underdeveloped moral sense - firstly, his, and secondly, a stranger. It decreases: a habit that humiliate you - because of the tacit agreement that you have such and such and such.

Due to the fact that we have to respond in the same spirit that is constantly reduce its shame, and fight against it. The habit of swearing is directly related to the lack of shame, that is the weakness of moral immunity. And so to the person who complains all the bad stick, a man who swears easily, easily makes and meanness and baseness, it is not only contagious, but easily become infected yourself. Expletive very many meanings, so it is equal to the semantic gap. In that case, if a person wants to express his feelings, but it has no words, no thoughts for this, he can swear, or use other substitutes, such as an interjection, the mention of God or the devil. The less a man of words and thoughts, the more he swears. If it were possible to translate into human language barking two randomly encountered aggressive dogs, the translation would be comprised of expletives. Curses - a way to express yourself without using any thought or word.
True, high-flown or hackneyed phrases - such as substitutes for meaningful words, like swearing. They seem more acceptable just because he does not insult the speaker. That is the usual style of relationships (teens about fourteen years, sitting in the evening, all that is in square brackets, is given in translation). Boy - girl, non-aggressive: "And you, [prostitute], [female dog], otodvinsya [untranslatable] here, and I her [sexual organ], you'll get to the eye." The answer is similar. Such talk does not have any topics or areas, supported by a long time. Its only purpose - not to sit in silence. The problem should not be so: to swear - it's good or bad, you need to swear or not swear? This question is similar to the question of whether or not to itch to scratch, if you have eczema. The fact is that if you feel the need to swear, you're mentally ill.
To primitive began to scoff at innocence, does not need a reason, it just so built, it's his natural style of behavior. For example, the story of Stalin's repression is a history of struggle of the masses against the elite and against itself. It seems that there is a reason every single murder, even if some cause at least a reason, but is distracted by little things and look at all In general, as you can see: no reason why this huge massacre of innocent people and there are no reasons for the brutality with which these actions were carried out, as there is no reason why the cancer starts to destroy healthy tissue. It so happened that the man fell ill. It so happened that the country was ill. An intelligent man, subjected to aggressive pressure of the masses, usually asks a question: why? For it is only natural that nobody would humiliate anyone without reason. For primitive natural opposite: humiliation for no reason. WAY OF LIFE Primitive man - a humiliation. Humiliation of others and everything around. This is its main feature, which manifests itself in everything.