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Humor of Astrology

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Brightening Your Day with Astrology Humor

If you are curious what a Scorpio would pray, if he were inclined to do so, a bit of astrology humor could reveal that he is struggling with the part of the Sermon of the Mount that deals with forgiveness. On the other hand, if a Gemini were to own a pet, would it be a turtle or a talking parrot? Then again, what would be the discussion like if a Vedic astrologer where to debate a Chinese astrologer? Such musings may be found along the path of brightening your day with astrology humor.

Truth be told, astrology is serious business to believers, and, just like anything that has the power to reflect on the past or predict the future, failing to once in a while add a bit of humor may actually make it next to impossible for the human mind to continue on with the kind of information that is routinely received during an astrological charting. On the other hand, to the uninitiated the use of astrology humor is a unique method of imparting a few facts this art offers, yet without doing so in a tiresome way.

Of course, there are also the detractors of the art who choose to use astrology humor in a rather derisive way. Although it may appear a bit odd to have non-believers go to rather great lengths to use some of what astrology teaches, and then just malign it, there are those souls who are sure to have a place in the cosmos somewhere. As a matter of fact, any great school of thought has its detractors and astrology most certainly is not going to be an exception. In some ways, one might consider it flattering that something so intricate, exciting and inspiring can give rise to a certain amount of jocularity.

The seeker needs to be careful when searching for the rather offbeat forms of astrology - this is especially true for the kind that deals with pets, and also sexual compatibility - to ensure that instead of finding the wisdom of the stars they are not subjected to jokes. This form of astrology humor is somewhat destructive, but when you consider that it is easily spotted, it does not carry an overly present danger even for the novice. Actually, some novices say that it was the jokingly ordered and executed astrology chart that whetted their appetites for the real thing!

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