Husband does not want sex
Always thought that all difficulties will be able to handle herself, but that does not work. Decided to apply with the problem exactly to your psychologist. Three years spent in the so-called "civil marriage", wanting to check out the warmth and security relations. Everything was wonderful, and we decided to legalize the marriage. And here a year ago we were married, but after the wedding, the relationship has changed for the worse. All aspects of life suits me, but one of the intimate relationship came to naught. We very rarely have sex, the husband does not show any initiative, and if I exercise it, he's head goes into the computer. Sex with us is no more frequently than once a month, this event is taking place as it was before, my husband and all the gentle and attentive. But even in those wonderful moments, the mood is spoiled to realize that the next sex will be just three weeks, not before.
The most annoying and incomprehensible is the fact that the husband still loves me! I can feel every cell in your body. He gives me flowers and gifts, invited me to the cinema and theater, helping to keep house and tries to spend every spare moment with me. Everything is good, even perfect, except one but ...
I followed the advice, read in magazines, arranged a romantic dinner, created an intimate atmosphere, but it's useless. He always managed to slip away from me, and sit at work all night. Her friends recommended to find a lover, but I do not need it. I want to be close only with her beloved man. But this situation is depressing me and I want to change it! Sincerely, Alina.
Dear Alina, you have formed a rather extraordinary and difficult situation that will require much effort and patience to resolve it. In truth, I do not quite believe you. In my opinion, your story is not entirely truthful and objective. Sex is one of the most important components of any relationship, but relationships are cost not only on sex. Sex - a nice addition to the respect, love, understanding, and much more. The fastest way from your love of the pyramid, dropped several components, one of which had sexual relations. But you have paid attention only to this problem.
Perhaps your husband has become so family and friends for you that you no longer see him as a real man! You have become a single whole, in the truest sense of the word, you have ceased to amaze him.
Genesis is able to destroy the most romantic relationships, love a woman becomes totally predictable and the man eventually loses interest in her. Go back mentally into the past and remember how to develop your relationship. You won your man every day, you were different, unique. Try to refresh your relationship.
What have you to embark on this, to decide only you, but remember that you do, let all the action will be incomplete, because it is so exciting, extraordinary imagination paints the picture to which you want to become.
Hold times at work, stop the conversation in mid-sentence, pretend not to hear this or that question, answer not vpopad. Mysterious phone calls, mention male names of your colleagues, make sure to rouse herself and her husband to wake up from hibernation, in which he fell. He wants to know what is happening to you. But in this situation, the main thing is not to overdo it, we must make to demonstrate a genuine interest in you and not to cause painful jealousy.
Let your husband and your future is only the second half, but he know it should not. Lightly flirt with strange men, shoot eyes, but do not let the sight of her man, watch how he reacts to your behavior. After all, the main thing here is not to overdo it, in this case the line between love and hate so thin that it does not need to cross.
Your spouse, so used that you are always around, he's no longer afraid of losing you, and am absolutely sure that you did not go away from him. Allow me to doubt him in this. Fleece your relationships, to revive them, because sex is a game, a game - it is a holiday.
Be sure to share with their partner their joys, concerns and experiences. Do not open completely, just slightly open the curtain so that he could see that he is dear to you. Men love women with a twist, become a mystery to him and let him gradually seeking otgadki.