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Hyperactive child

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Hyperactive child

Often teachers have to deal with "unruly" children. They always revolve in the classroom, laughing for no reason, are perceived as rude, requiring constant supervision by adults. However, the control and restrictions do not help, but on the contrary, cause stubbornness, aggression, tears and tantrums. Causes disinhibition and enhanced excitability, a lot. Often these phenomena are combined with mental immaturity. The consequence is a backlog in the emotional-volitional development, lack of control and criticism, insensitivity to the feelings of others.

What do the teacher, who comes to work with such a child? In any case not be irritated! The work is aimed at forming the child's sense of responsibility - it should not be punished, it should not scream because he simply can not hold yourself within certain limits. Prohibitions and penalties are formed only pathological forms of behavior, and sometimes have fears and anxiety. Working with these children is very laborious and requires patience. The main thing - all the time to encourage even the mildest attempt to behave "differently".

On the child (if we have him already developed a trust relationship) and can be "offended" by explaining to him why we do not approve of his behavior. Never mind that it five minutes later forget about it and everything will start first, can we say that during those five minutes, he was very attentive, well-played and helped. If the child is too interfering with a group (laughs, sings, runs, talks), we can calmly that he did not take it as a punishment, to take him to another room, where he worked with an assistant teacher that makes the other children of the group.
It sometimes happens that makes us nervous, hyperactive child who has already formed a stereotype of punishment: he knows that if he is removed from the class (group), then they want to punish. And then he is afraid to leave the class. Start screaming, tears, tantrums. However, it should leave it in the classroom, as two minutes later he returns to the original behavior: singing aloud, spits, discards from the table benefits. What to do in this case? If we still want to punish the child, we should take him out of class, despite his active protests.

However, this tool will not help the child learn appropriate behaviors in a group. So try to cope with it in the classroom. Or, if you have the feeling that he is too difficult for group work, we deal with them first individually (preferably, to individual classes held the same teacher who works with the class). In individual work is first necessary to achieve the confidence of the child. Then, by the way, the punishment will be effective (but a great interest penalties we should not!).
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