Hyssop drug from the evil eye, damage
Hyssop - herb of purification. "Okropishi me with hyssop and I shall be cleansed: and omyeshi than snow whitened" (Psalm 50).
• Decoction of herb helps with bleeding eyes, but inhibits sexual desire and dries the seed. It is harmful to the kidneys. Hyssop is a substitute for mint.
• Grass, if you drink wine, resolves solid tumors on the body.
• Use herbs showed chronic inflammation of the intestine, reduces perspiration cures hoarseness.
• decoction of hyssop with vinegar soothes toothache.
• If mercury velas in the bone, it is necessary to 3st. l. grass in the evening to put in a thermos and pour boiling water 3stakanami. In the morning strain, divided into 3priema and drink for 30 minutes before meals.
• Lubrication and wetting strong decoction of grass destroys the scars on his face, and hyssop, and passed within, improves the complexion.
• Decoction of herb as a compress is applied for bruises in the eye and eyelids.
• Decoction of herb used for bronchial asthma, chronic cough and sore throat.
• A strong decoction of hyssop benefits for dropsy, as well as driving the mucus, worms, worms. Useful when the disease spleen.
• The plant reduces the excessive sweating.
• Decoction of herb use in bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, nervousness, weakness, indigestion, angina, flatulence, joint diseases, chronic colitis.
• In the form of rinses used for stomatitis, diseases of the throat and hoarseness.