I Ching developed along with Chinese Astrology (1600 BCE - 1046 BCE.) and other methods of divination during the Shang dynasty. A golden age of divination occurred during this era in china. Some, Based on the casting of bones and tortoise shells also known as "DRAGON BALLS" gave rise to the I Ching. Over time the I Ching changed from the use of trigrams to hexagrams into an easy to use divinatory, cultural, and philosophical tool once reserved for emperors into a popular cultural phenomenon utilizing Yarrow Stalks.

It was utilized as an oracle by the Chou people in an era full of corruption under the Shang dynasty. Chou-I was the text produced during this period or the changes of Zhou Dynasty. The Zhou overthrew the Shang dynasty and was the longest reigning dynasty in China. It ushered in an age of philosophers, religiosity, and cultural reformation.
During this time the kings brother Zhou Gong Dan created "The Explanation Of Horizontal Lines" which contextually defined the full scope of the I Ching's meanings as it gave meaning to each of the individual lines on the I Ching hexagrams.
Later, the famous philosopher Confucius also wrote a famous commentary on the I Ching called the "TEN WINGS". this book had significant cultural impact and in conjunction with the I Ching formed the " Classic Of Changes"