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I am on the streets is not acquainted

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I'm on the streets is not acquainted

Yes, oddly enough, they also become acquainted with us. And that is typical, sometimes even willingly. Just do not submit the form. Education can not, you see. Respectable women in the streets are not familiar, and so on. Why do I immediately started on the street? Yes, because if you brought friends at a party, you understand what's what, you can and without any books. Therefore, we take the most extreme form of dating, as an example of which look like they belong to a similar event. Head their works about the same - that the street that the soiree. Learn the basic laws and regulations, we can successfully reach out anywhere. The result is everywhere the same. Namely: totally unpredictable.

We know: Come to us more or less a pretty lady, we have even a shadow of doubt will not arise in terms of familiar - do not know. If there is even a little free time, we will immediately go to contact. And do not think that it is some kind of slutty girl. On the contrary - a clever and without undue prejudice. In this case, we do not care what she will tell us. We will not curl one's lips to hear the banal: "We can meet you?". We understand how difficult it is: to find at this moment original and clever phrases. In short, in this respect we have everything in perfect order. Behave like adults.

They do things differently. In the minds of complete confusion and vacillation. It can be lonely, like Friday without Robinson, dating sites hung her ads, her friends give the job to drag the party to visit her every orphan peasant, but when she was on the street comes a decent young man, she arrogantly tsedit through clenched teeth: " I'm on the streets not acquainted . " Yeah ... he, you know, I could not think of anything more interesting than: "Girl, let's look at" ... ugh! Yes, for whom he accepts it!
Acquainted with them at times so difficult, not because they are Impatiens, or are we freaks. Simply, they are arranged so difficult that in themselves are confused. So much in there all ponameshano that sometimes she can not really explain why she, a fool such otshila guy. And sometimes the reasons for rejection can be so ridiculous and incomprehensible to us that wonder. A friend of mine told me that gave turned down a young man just because she had a bad nose powdered. She was afraid that he will shine in the sun and spoil all the impression of her. Wow, huh?

In short, recipes that guarantee a hundred percent that the woman said yes to your attempts to get acquainted, and there can not be. Stories "experienced" that women will not pushy and arrogant - this bike for horny teenagers. That is, perhaps, they are not so often send impudent, but the phone certainly does not give her, and the nearest laundry. Then arrange for a meeting with her colleague ... Equally unfounded belief that the exceptional wit and gab - a guarantee of success. They really do not mind a good laugh. But with the same success she can go and Yefim Shifrin. And the attitude to street wits like - oh, what fun it is. If the hunt for free people cheering - please teach jokes. If not, do not make their bid for a funny story that happened to you in first class, based on the fact that all of your friends ladies laugh to tears, listening to her for the umpteenth time.

Not much to rely on a gold Rolex, along with a jacket from Cardin. Many women may not draw the attention of all the tchotchke. And if they will pay, then hoping to soon unleash you on something decent for myself. If the sponsorship you are satisfied, then this path is correct. If you want the interest to yourself, not your wallet, then again by ...

We do not choose them, but they have

In fact, of course, for a successful Dating and desirable to have a certain amount of chutzpah (which are the same women are very well known self-confidence), and a sense of humor in conjunction with the "suspended" language, and a decent appearance. But all this will work reliably only when a man remembers one simple rule. We do not choose them, and they are us. We only offer itself. Yes, that's a sad fact. (On the contrary, the situation is just the rape.) Whatever was hilarious, handsome and rich man, he still will not achieve anything from a woman, if acting solely on the principle of "liberty of the city is taking." Yes, a chance to know him much more than the notorious nerds in dermatinovoy jacket. But he will be with a certain regularity of refuse. Because, as you know, the taste and color ...

The assertion that women do not like to get acquainted on the street is not true. It would be better to say this: women do not like to get acquainted on the street with those who they dislike. And in this they are absolutely right. We, too, do not want to get acquainted with those who we have not liked ... Is it really asks for it. That is why there can be no specific prescriptions on how to meet a woman. If you liked her, even when standing a little to the side and thought "go - no go", then you can talk nonsense, it will still go on contact. And if any interest you originally she had not called, then the most likely opportunities to demonstrate their remarkable oratorical abilities you simply will not give. That's not like her tall, handsome and talkative! And that's it ... And there's one charming blushing with embarrassment morel is even anything ... Budit it in her mother's feelings, and that's it.

No, of course, the chance is always there. It may be that you are so cool demonstrate his beautiful soul, a woman weep with joy and emotion and will follow you on the edge of the world, although at first glance you were impressed, to put it mildly, not very good. Any miracles do happen. But exceptions only prove the rule. A rule is simple - she decides she wants to meet with you or not, before you open rot.Dazhe before you do decide you want to approach her or not. (In the vast majority of cases.) Remember a conversation about their sensitivity and ability to notice any change? And the fact that the men they look even more than we women? And about their vaunted intuition, which allows almost going into space, to characterize everyone in it sitting? And what, after all this you still think that if she pointedly looks away, then just do not notice you? Nothing like that. It has long been made about your opinion. Maybe not quite true, but close to the truth. And it decided that the answer you if you suddenly osmeleete and fit.

The main mass of women do not stand like statues, waiting for your actions. They usually begin to signal a man like a beacon in the bad weather was expected of him, actually expect. Although the comparison with the lighthouse is not quite true - it shines equally to all vessels. A woman at this moment rather likened to traffic lights. Someone green, someone better to wait, and someone to catch nothing at all. And we need a some work to get her opinion changed. Rather, it simply will not allow it to do. Why? You do remember that they are attracted to men the most? Very true - intelligence, health and ability to earn money. Man has these qualities or not, visible to the naked eye. Even such a thing as intelligence, careful to conceal from the female gaze is difficult. A really show itself, not having it, is impossible. Health also can be seen a mile away. Not to mention the ability to earn money ...
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