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I hate it

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I hate it

Two days ago his photo makes you cry, yesterday at the sight of his pictures you feel a strange indifference, now you overpowers the desire to tear them to shreds. In fact, you should not get excited. Break pictures easier. With that you manage for the moment, and this is the most primitive thing you can do. It is better to try to "prolong the pleasure." Snapshots of the former may be useful to work on themselves, but rather for the speedy recovery of "love complications. Turn to the hit parade of creative ideas photo design:

- Otfotoshop it as it should. Draw him horns, beard, Mujahid, long scrolling cilia, as in gay or red nose alcoholic. This valuable contribution to its appearance can be made on both the computer and by hand;

- If you're a minimalist, then burn his picture was on fire at the same time check whether they will burn a blue flame;

- Make it their "target." Photos of the former is always perfectly suited to throwing darts. Should have you on whom you train your accuracy;

- If you were his close-up portraits, they can sew up to your newfound punching bag. Let it will acquire a human face. Will be fun to box;

- One of the most enjoyable ways to exterminate people Aix from your album - is close with his portraits of your favorite actors and pop stars. Do you still have a lot of pictures where you together? Fine. But why spoil shots where you are (especially if you're out there successfully turned out)? Better Cut out of magazines more portraits of celebrities and seal of his Aix. Suppose that in your album flaunt your photo in an embrace with Dima Bilan, Roman Abramovich, Johnny Depp and Enrique Iglesias. Unforgettable experience and increasing self-esteem you are guaranteed.

We reserve the threshold of sadness ...

So, behind the long complex life stage called "Hello, sadness." You're ready to give up title of Miss broken heart? Wow! But first a good idea to check if all the tears you've wept? How to do it? Elementary. Get it all your photos. Will carefully consider them and remember the happy days are that you spent together. Admire the gifts that he gave you. Or maybe you have lying around that some of his things? Collect all of these components mosaic titled "Nostalgia." Well, whatever the atmospheric humidity? Expected to approach heavy rainfall? No? Super! You demonstriruesh excellent results and successfully tested for durability.

Some girls come in so the taste of their suffering, they are ready to be tormented for years without noticing that life has long been normal. Not so long ago I witnessed a comical event. The store underwear I met Lucy, the girl is very decent and moral. We knew each other almost from the lower grades, but with time, such as lost.

- Lyusya, how are you? - Happily I asked.

- I do not know, like anything - she said, and sighed - just now I'm a rare bastard! Cruel, heartless bitch!

- You?! How is it? - I was taken aback.

- I broke up with her husband, so imagine one of these days I find him a card to honor the first anniversary of our wedding - and the zeros - do not feel anything! Strangely, I think, am I so cold that I was even not a bit hurt. Decided to call him. I think that call, that's when you and vzgrustnetsya. Calling. And what would you think? Nothing! In general, no emotion of his voice does not call. Ok ... agreed to meet with him personally. I went to our former apartment, and he was there with this stupid Marinko in bed! So imagine, I am here not to cry. Turned around and walked away. That's it! And no pain! Is this normal? I'm probably very bitchiness, it could just as easily thrown out of his life.
I shrugged my shoulders:

- Well, I do not know ... as long you have left?

- Oh, no. Five years ago, not anymore.

As they say, no comment.

"A bitter aftertaste, but sugar is not necessary!" - Sings Valery Meladze. And you, in turn, had no time to look around, all the bitterness had disappeared from even the most hidden corners of your soul. But here's the rub: do not understand where it came from anger. And hate! And the thirst for revenge! "Wretch! But he simply did not understand who to contact! Now I'll show him! "- You think you're inventing some fifty vendetta in the second. You frantically and going to be happy in his despite. I hate him! " Stop! Be happy - this is quite true, but why must "to his evil." Here are the rules that will help you to be happy not to harm him, and himself for the joy!

I will take revenge and revenge will be terrible, my ...

Who is the great said that fury in hell - nothing compared to the abandoned woman. And you seem to only now begin to understand what it is, in general, what's the truth. Who would have thought that such a fragile and intelligent girl can overcome such sadistic, murderous fantasies! In the thoughts you have repeatedly moved the former truck were shot with a machine gun, set at his Jackie Chan and Van Damme.

I hate him! " Stop! You know that everything bad comes back to haunt us. So if you have to literally "scratched his fists and you literally can not wait to call somebody, to disassemble, to take urgent action! You can go to the shooting range and learn to shoot. 'll Feel terrible and Nikita rashochesh "wet" "small fry" like your Aix. You can go with friends to play Paint ball. This is a fashionable alternative to the very merry "voynushki", which you are such a delight as a child played with the courtyard boys.

Take a lesson of some kind of martial arts. Firstly, any girl is useful to possess even the most basic self-defense techniques. And secondly, this is a great way to blow off steam. In the end, mutuzit partner on the mats in the gym legitimate and logical than her ex in a dark alley.

For those who rage is so frequent and unpredictable that you do not have time to run to the gym, it is recommended to purchase home punching bag and grind it when he wants. So you, at least, to combine business with pleasure. And who knows ... maybe the world famous Queen of the boxing ring Laila Ali also began his training with fantasies about what a pear - it's her ex? Championship belt to you, of course, to anything but beautiful biceps and appease the soul still does not harm anyone.

Remember it is not evil quiet word ....

How much abuse is in your vocabulary? Or you think that this is not enough? All the foul language in the world is not enough to express your feelings towards the former. "I know three words, three swear words," - sang Nike Borzov. Of course, you also know quite a lot of different words. Idee fixe - as if in a fit of brutal frankness does not make them all in the address of your ex boyfriend and did not send it by three-letter address on any fence. The first way - the epistolary. Tatyana Larina used the written word to tell about the mystery of love to Onegin. You will be the exact opposite. Admit fierce hatred in writing. Poems do not necessarily communicate, and literary language can at times forget. Write to him all the most violent, the most evil and unpleasant epithets, which only comes to mind.

Do not be shy in expressions - paper all endure. Swore and called him on was worth. Accused of all mortal sins, beginning with World War I and before jumping up on your nose pimple (if not him, you'd never do get into a fuss and now your skin would look flawless!). The most important thing - in any case not to send such letters! Anyway, after writing such masterpieces is better to burn or tear into small pieces. After all, the literary value of such abusive zapisochek highly questionable, and leave yourself or posterity "in memory" is a powerful negative message and does silly. To finally settle down and bring thoughts in order, take a walk or take a soothing bath. To enhance the effect, add three to five drops of tea tree oil, its smell is emotionally antiseptic, that is the soul heals and relieves hysteria.
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