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I love dumplings

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I love dumplings
Ideals of female beauty have changed many times during different eras and cultural traditions, but the beauty of thin women and failed to win over pyshnotelymi beauties.

Most women are complex about their weight, for them important aesthetic score their own appearance, for men as the main source of female attractiveness is a Sexuality. Excess weight does not interfere with enjoying sex life, because the body of any woman - is a tool for intimate pleasures, and many men find fat women very attractive.

But there are many men who claim they love not just plump women - and a very fat women! The more a woman, the more pleasure from sex, these men get: a huge chest and waving an immense Booty - intrigue and excite, and endless expanses of soft pliable body inspire the search for the secret place, deep and wet in anticipation ... First man feels gnome admire the great fairy tale Snow White, then a destroyer impregnable fortress, but an orgasm with a woman, you can enjoy the full triumph of the victor. After a full body women not only respond to male affection, love slapping and pinching, but also implies the existence of a partner's ingenuity, the ability to take a correct position for a deeper penetration of the penis to overcome obstacles in the form of plump buttocks or stomach, the ability to lean or bend.

Attracted to fat woman fans Freud genetic disposition or subconscious sympathy when the mother's body seemed to baby and most comfortable.

Some modern sexologists hold different views on the male subconscious - purely biological. In this case, a man defines a set of external features as a whole. Visual assessment of bodily constitution women occurs instantaneously, size does not play any role, the main thing - balance and harmony of shapes, and if even more precise - the ratio of "waist-hip" when using the view "man-to-male" defines the state of health, biological maturity and willingness to partner to have sex. Express female sexual characteristics - developed breast cancer, fat deposits on hips, suggest that the potential partner has reached sexual maturity, strong legs and healthy complexion, - signal that she is healthy, and, therefore, is not only capable to give birth to healthy offspring, but also take care of it; ratio waist-hip "in the form gitaroobraznoy or pear-shaped body allows us to make a final conclusion on the fact that she - not pregnant, so it is more accessible and very desirable ... last played a key role as the owner of a charming figure, laid her very nature, shows exactly what distinguishes her from the bodily constitution of men, for example - from afar. What is it? As, oddly enough - is an ordinary woman's silhouette ... If a woman's body in proportion and she pronounced waist, the ratio of "90-60-90" absolutely useless standard, which came up with ... Most likely it came up with the one who came up with that " blondes brunettes beautiful "... Or that the" stupid blonde brunettes. "
But even the most avid connoisseurs of female thinness is not able to dispute the fact that sexual attraction is much stronger than the fluctuating ideals of beauty and glamorous trend, which is why men's tastes are so diverse, and sometimes do not lend themselves to any outside influence.

There are contraindications. Consult with your doctor.
Sensuality of nude models in the paintings of Rubens, with their gorgeous flesh, dimples, folds, bumps and bends, fully conform to the charms of women, created from the "blood and milk." Product recognized masterpieces of world art, not so much reflect the spirit of the time, reveal how one of the faces of the natural female beauty. After all, overweight women have not disappeared, replaced only styles of clothing, hairstyles and surrounding interior.

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