I love you ....
Let's try to apply such a phrase whose meaning would be odinakovoponyaten. Because we often say one thing but have several connotations. And the disagreements begin. For example, live for others - is how? Salary bring? Or dinner to cook? Or coffee to bring to bed? Presumably, the problem lies in another plane. Answers to this question must be sought in other areas of life. Maybe in the relationship? What about money?
If you say - " I love you ", it means this: you're ready to (a) to waive part of their principles, their perception of the world, and to take part in their lives the principles of the other party. That is what is called - the willingness to sacrifice. As a major component of the concept of "love." And those principles, which give, and those principles that have been taken of its positive component should be directed to the second side of the Union, to improve living conditions for its second half.
Moreover, the improvement in terms of not their own, namely the second half. And yet it is necessary that the principles, efforts and actions were aimed at security. Physically and spiritually. For defending is their own, native, to defend their half, already defending itself. Because, ideally, the two halves are united into one. And do not wait until the merger happens and comes complete harmony in the joint family life, and only then begin to defend. We must first learn themselves and begin to defend himself and his own, by the change in the direction of acceptance of living together, and then to wait and harmony.
But wait harmony - this is also wrong. "Under the recumbent stone gathers no moss." We should not wait to do it. Make their harmonious union. It is necessary to correct their (!) Habits that impede harmony. Fix its principles that prevent love. Their own. That is - the! If you really can live for another. If you really love. If the feeling between you and there is love, not love. Or, the more passion.
In life, in relationships is often encountered a very strange phrase: love me so (a) what (what) I am! Can not this be! So say just lazy or dull-witted people. So say the only people who are too lazy to think. Or who can not speculate. Theoretically, this can be assumed, but almost impossible to connect two people in a harmonious union, while not changing!
Do you love me?
And now be disclosed that very practical side of love. That part of it, which, figuratively speaking, can be called "mystery". Unknown and unexplored. Unknown component of the feelings we call love. Its practical component. That same shade, which is always, for some reason, do not pay attention. Coarse practicality now replaced the "snotty" romance.
The essence of what it is. Question "do you love me?" Now takes an entirely different meaning. He no longer has a blank media - "like - not love." This question is not up front, and records, reports for its actions. The answer to this just confirms Realized action. Action over another. Actions to change its character. And these actions are visible immediately, at first living together. Even at first, and hanging out.
To love means to change itself in favor of a love object.
And no longer will be just empty words "of course, like" if there is no confirmation on that action. A proof of love will be no gifts, bought with money. Evidence that change their habits in favor of a love object, change its principles. This change of his ego, his ego. That means that provide proof of his love for a simple example.
-Do you like?
-I love you.
-Prove it!
-Do you remember me before you make comments, that I threw my socks? You see now that I wash them every night and every morning I stroke iron? Besides - I do it with joy. Because I love you ...