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I want to get married I am thirty

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I want to get married I am thirty

The first and foremost. Erase from his forehead inscription: I want to marry! Tell yourself that the next five years you will not think about marriage and children. And if you want children, then five years later just parents of the child, even if you do not get married.

Think of "Legend", why do not you want to get married in the next five years (for example, decided to become famous, to defend a thesis to write three books). Spread this legend among all my friends tell me about this young man (but not immediately, but it feels dirty trick, you must choose a time when the statement would be appropriate).

Second: Tell yourself that you are born without a child without a man, therefore, nature is sure: with hands, feet and head, you should be happy. Be happy immediately, and simply do not let a bad mood. Think about it: if none of your surroundings not to marry and give birth, would you marry and the maternity hospital? And how much ...? Think about it: but not due to a desire for marriage and procreation simply boredom, the desire to change the fate of ...?
Why famous singers, dancers, actresses live a good life and with no children and no husband? Is it because the life they have interesting, rich in new sensations ...? If so, is not whether to make your life easier in the next five years, beautiful and without a permanent man, and without a child?

You picked up a neurosis "should be married." Its easy to catch, but it is very difficult to get rid of. A girl unwittingly starts to behave not very pretty, clinging to her unworthy men, as for your last chance to get married. And, as any mental imbalance, neurosis live prevents and discourages normal people. Scares. Men - those for a kilometer of nevroznyh bypass, because they understand: this is looking for a male to carry out their instincts. His psyche should be controlled. We must learn to just live happily, and the man with whom it will be good pops up from nowhere and nobody knows when.

If you tell yourself: realizing their instincts when I want (kidding, five years), and man can meet and do in ten years - that rearrange its priorities, its dominant at the just-happy life. And this is the best guarantee that the man you notice and appreciate tomorrow. By the way, you can take yourself and the other term birth - such as three years, a year - no matter how important, you calm down ...

Calm inside people have enormous appeal - after all, a man wants peace of mind and psychological security, confidence.

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