II house from the houses Radix
II annual house I home birth chart. Winning depends on the subject of his health, action, free will, etc. In the affected card, this is an indication of the reduction of personal freedom due to the unsatisfactory financial situation or excessively occupying the subject of money matters.
II in II-m. Strengthens the indication birth chart, and creates favorable conditions for their implementation; means to explore these possibilities in the birth chart.
II, III-m. The benefit associated with the movement, relocation, some texts, brothers, sisters, other things listed that house, success also depends on the intellectual classes.
II, IV-m. Corresponds to a change in location or working conditions, or "completion" of the enterprise or "end" classes ("cessation of success" in bad omens), or the success of which depends on the parents or property.
II, V-m. Good or bad position for speculation. Success in any way connected with either the pleasures or the arts, or with training (since V house is a house of school and learning).
II, VI-m. Often an indication of some failure or the fact that the subject could win more than won in fact, a failure to succeed due to unfavorable conditions.
II, VII-m. Success depends on relationships, or collective cases as well as from the treaties. Under favorable omens, this position could lead to financial support, which requires the entity to be feared breaking agreements or any losses, which are caused by other people.
II, VIII-th. Adverse planet at this position is particularly dangerous because their influence is increasing due to the opposition of one year at home II and II home birth chart, it's "death successes", ie loss of office, unemployment or bankruptcy.
II to IX th. Indication of the success of which depend on the laws and regulations of travel. Sometimes, denotes flow from somewhere far away cash, interest earned on funds invested abroad in any enterprise.
II X-m. Beneficial effect on the results of transactions subject.
II in the XI th. Suggests that success requires the support of friends and acquaintances, or somehow dependent on them.
II, XII-m. Favors only the successes associated with the solitary and clandestine employment (occupation police officer or nurse) or occupations related to mysticism, to the secret societies.