IX house from the houses Radix
Ninth year in a house I home birth chart. Strengthens the philosophical and religious tendencies, inclines the subject to travel. Position, suitable for all types of personal creativity.
IX in the II-m. Indicates mainly on monetary ambitions. Sometimes acts as II in the IX th.
IX in the III-m. Apparently has to do with travel related to their studies or to investigate something. Because These homes complement each other, can act as III in the ninth.
IX in the IV-m. Forwards thinking in the direction of traditional attitudes or increases interest in the past, often entails travel, having to visit parents, examination of historical monuments, travel to familiar places.
IX to V-m. Foster's exams and competitions, often corresponds to sea cruises and pleasant journey. Sometimes manifests itself as a V in the IX th.
VI-IX in meters. A bad sign for travel, in at least for travel related to the amendment of health and service business. At best, it's just an indication of the difficulties entailed in this journey.
VII-IX in meters. Attraction to the philosophical, social, scientific associations, as this position can be characterized as a position of intellectual intimacy with other people. Sometimes, it is an indication of the spouse's travel, which will determine the rupture of relations.
IX to VIII-m. Depression in connection with thoughts of death, money worries, memories. If an entity plans to travel, and the ruling planet IX and XI houses affected, the journey will not take place.
IX to IX th. Acts like all similar positions.
IX, X-m. Facilitates the change of position, promotions, raises claims. Often entails honors or rewards associated with intellectual activity of the subject (academic degree, literary or scientific award).
IX to XI th. Changes in plans and friendly relations, sometimes departure or return of another.
IX to XII th. Disadvantage for the intellectual and independent work (with the exception of occult activities and occupations involved in the twelfth house), as well as for big trips. Mental fatigue.