Icon MARY Tikhvin
Phenomenon occurred in the Tikhvin icon 1383godu. Tradition says that earlier this icon was in Constantinople, which was brought to the V century Empress Evdokia from Jerusalem. Over seventy years before the fall of Constantinople, the icon miraculously moved in the Novgorod region.
Once on Lake Ladoga fishermen casting a net, when in front of them suddenly appeared unusual light. In the air above the water was moving icon of the Virgin with the Pre-eternal Child on her left hand. The icon was on the fishermen and was a 30verstah from the lake. Several times she moved to various places, until elected to a seat near the Tikhvin.
The orders of Ivan the Terrible, after his visit to Tikhvin to worship the miraculous icon, there was organized monastery. The icon was glorified by various miracles: healing the possessed, blind insight, particularly resort to it in diseases of children. It is remarkable that one of the hands of Our Lady of different unusual warmth, a very noticeable lip for attachment.