Identification of the evil eye charcoal
To know for sure whether the evil eye on you, take a cup of water and cross over himself and the cup, saying, "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us!" Drop into the water three coals (can be burnt matches), and then pronounce a conspiracy:
In oditsa holy, not typed by me, she gained her the Mother of God, born a Christian to wash, from the evil eye to help. I do not wash, I did not wash off, wash off the Mother of God, all that think, and conjecture, and napuscheno and zauscheno - here you will not be, then you do not live the servant of God (name) not to destroy. Amen.
If carbon sink, and the patient during the test will not feel anything special, it means that the disease is not the evil eye or damage. But if the coal will float and begin to spin, and the patient will begin to yawn and stretch and it jinxed.
Removing the evil eye charcoal
Here you can and remove the evil eye. In order to cure the patient, to the same water three times, once to speak these words:

T ospodi, God! Bless me, father! In the name of the Father, I and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Life-giving Holy Trinity, and George martyr! I covered the servant of God (name), Heaven, obolokayusya in the shell, girded with weapons. Covered esmi I, the servant of God (name), the heavens mapping any valiant men and villains against me, God's servant (name), the sun is over my head a month, my star in heaven. You are naturally tied in this world, in the open, seventy princes were Greeks, as well, and you naturally associate our valiant men and villains, Sage and Sage, witches and sorcerers, veschikov and gizmos and hexes porchelnits, strichnyh and postizhnyh, Dokhturov and dohturits, black and yellow, and samoedinov and samoedok, and the monk, the elders and older women, monk and shimnits, priests and fall, deacons and deaconess, Dyachkov and dyachits, Ponomariov and ponomarits, Kuznetsov and Kuznetsova wives polnikov and foresters, and zaleshnikov, fishermen husbands and wives, gay, and mehonosh, and my sweat, and my council, young and old, and all sorts of people dashing, dashing, and every hot blood. And those of my words nor water, nor the dew did not fill, no rain is not wet. Amen. According to my key and lock, and the whole castle of the Holy Spirit now and ever and ever and age. Amen, Amen, Amen.
Then wash it and give the patient a little water to drink.