Identifying damage
Spoilage has a very specific symptoms. The first victim falls ill, and either gets sick with something mysterious in medicine, or suffers from a multitude of small ailments, each of which by itself is not dangerous, but together they are harassing people and deprive it of vitality. For example, a person has a cold, while his teeth begin to break down, he breaks his hand, burns, skin papillomas appear ... Or maybe he just fell immunity? Calcium is not enough? Vitaminchiki need to drink so papillomavirus out? Maybe. However, for some reason, everything goes wrong and the TV does not work, and your favorite vase broke and the car will not start, and pay overdue ... Coincidence? Just came to the black stripe? Maybe. And if after all this damage?
Maria Semyonovna told me that the pitch at the so-called "bad luck", even in one sphere of life, you need to immediately check on the damage. Immediately, without shelving them!
Otherwise it can go too far and damage not only to impress you, but your children and grandchildren.