If New Year is not a joy
Approaching New Year - one of the most beloved holidays, but many say to themselves that no longer feel about it some excitement. Absolutely not happy with windows, decorated with garlands and Christmas decorations, there is no mood, no desire to buy gifts and products for the holiday table ... Of course, the impact fatigue of the year, and the current financial crisis does not add to our pleasant moments. New year - it always costs as well as limited family budget, include such costs pleasant, very difficult ...
And yet, let's try to tune in to the feast, in the end, the weather in our house, we do ourselves! The surest way to feel the approach of a new year and feel this holiday - it's New Year's decoration attributes! You say: That's nonsense - these attributes are complete in every store window and something to the mood they do not add me .. Well, it's the same store, you do not live there!
And one thing when the room is decorated with someone, but quite another when you do it yourself! You can decorate your apartment according to their own preferences. Surround yourself with those things that remind you of childhood, the magical spirit of the new year, with a sinking heart when you go to bed, and a very long time can not sleep because you can not wait to peek under the Christmas tree that would find there a gift .... That gift, of which you have dreamed for a year, and that you will necessarily go put Santa Claus!
Decorate your house
Decorate your home with figures of Santa Claus, wreaths, snowflakes, figurines of cows and steers as far as 2009 - the year the fiery bull! Apart from the traditional big Christmas tree that will stand in your room, place a small Christmas tree in the kitchen, the women will understand me, because it is a place where we spend a lot of time. A spruce or pine sprigs can be placed in a vase on the table, your house is filled with so familiar pleasant smell pine trees! Do not forget the tangerines and oranges - these aromas from childhood are associated with the New Year, Christmas tree, a sense of celebration and a miracle!
And from oranges can be hedgehogs, which will be used as a decoration on a kitchen table, for example, and as a source of pleasant smell. But are these hedgehogs is very simple: a thick-skinned oranges need to stick a dried clove buds seasonings. A very interesting clove-orange flavor. Do not forget the candles! Candles are always associated with the triumph, romance and joy. Fire burning candle soothes and fills the soul with warmth. Evenings, lighting candles and breathe a pleasant orange flavor and eating and you will not notice, as a celebration of childhood hold of you entirely!
Also on the eve of new year cheer yourself up can be good old movies that you can watch countless times! This and "The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath" and "Carnival Night" and "Wizards." Put yourself on the phone as a call some Christmas tunes to every caller reminded you of the imminent approach of a holiday!
Let us needlework
Now gaining more popularity needlework, for example, cross-stitch. You can embroider a New Year's napkin and put it on a beautiful candle, but can be extended New Year Sapozhok for sweets. You can cut beautiful snowflakes to decorate them with sequins and glue on the windows. Very interesting tinkering Christmas track with cones, fir branches, artificial snow, etc. In this case, the snow can make for yourself. Grated rubbed the foam, and sprinkled them with glue smeared cones and fir branches. Get a very original and beautiful.
Very nice look golden cones and walnuts. They can be painted gold gouache, and that the paint was fixed sprinkle with glitter paint. Or just buy a can of gold and silver paint and painted it. From cones and nuts get a nice Christmas decorations and Christmas songs with fir branches and glass beads. The main thing in this case your imagination! Gifts, hand made especially valuable. So if you have time and desire, the winter evenings you can have something to knit or sew for their families. Needlework associated with the Christmas theme, will be imperceptible to improve your mood.
Choosing gifts
Begin to prepare gifts in advance, with the start with little things and do not buy everything in one day. Suppose, for a start buy all the different postcards. It could be cards with a surprise, funny, music, etc. Do not forget the souvenirs, a symbol of 2009 is the bull or cow, and therefore required in addition to the main gift must be a symbol of the coming year. This may be a candle-ladybugs, magnets on the refrigerator, coin boxes and just cute souvenirs.
The bull is pet, so gifts to this year's choice for practical and at home. This may be a woolen blanket, set, vase, painting, lamp, slippers, etc. Of course, confined to household belongings are not worth it, but this year to give presents useful. Incidentally, this year's must-upgrade kitchen interior - it will bring good luck. Therefore, despite the financial crisis, be sure to buy at least one useful thing for the whole family. This may be a kettle, toaster, Sandwich, coffee, etc.
New Year was celebrated in a good mood!
Consider the scenario of the New Year feast. What music will play, what will contests, etc. Start thinking about New Year's menu in advance, surprise everyone with his culinary skills! Think about how you will decorate New Year's table, what will be a tablecloth, candles, plates and glasses. All these seemingly small things and pre-trouble, be sure to distract you from the darkest of thoughts. Returned a good mood and expectation of change. Get rid of old and useless things in the new year to include new, old and broken it is desirable to say goodbye.
Let's not be depressed and meet the new year, as befits. It's the only holiday that gives us hope and faith in the future, in dreams, favorable changes! Do not let the problems of the old year to spoil your New Year's holiday, is entering a new period of your life, and only on your thoughts and your mood will depend on how successful he will be! Happy for you!