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If a child is ill

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If a child is ill

This is a very delicate subject. Especially in our country ... Now, there are many doctors, dedicated profession and young children. They reveal the significance of diagnoses in the pages of a number of encyclopedias and specialized reference works. We share our experiences with home sick the children. Those moments when the daily routine of the day comes to colds and nausea. It is very difficult to determine what hurts the baby, but still find it absolutely necessary. With games, jokes, or just holding the baby. When there is a choice: to treat wounds or to let go screaming child back home, it is better to follow common sense, and let him suffer, but then you do not run into complications.

Kids are well aware that ill, they are a special case. And you do not lose anything if you start to indulge in a short time a patient requests. From his side it is desirable that the realization of his illness entailed obedience when you want to measure temperature and take the medicine. In the days of illness kids are particularly vulnerable, and should not ignore their morale.

If a child is sick , ask your child quiet to do. Having lost the craving for toys and running around, it was in days of illness, some children begin to quietly gluing, sculpting and drawing. But do not expect that the child himself will overshadow a great idea to start embroidering. Offer him a lesson on the possibilities - this is your problem.

Another possible problem - talk to your doctor. Someone runs off behind the sofa, someone meets a doctor with the words:

-Hello, you pass.

Hi-baby is sick?

No, no, it's mom! Sick ...
In any case, communication with the doctor is inevitable. Prepare the child can demonstrate his composure, telling how one girl got a doctor's toy, or associating with the good doctor Dr. Dolittle, which is known to be treated Hippo chocolate. Just do not try to scare the kid and threaten punishment. The effect will be horrendous. Do not worry yourself, if seen from a doctor or procedures a child crying. I assure you, he may not weep. But as more reliable.

And doctors have found the cause of the disease, listen carefully, what means of prevention, it recommends. Now pharmacies are filled with vitamins, means to strengthen the immune system. Someone must be taken, and somebody is not necessary. In any case, use the communication with your doctor for more information.
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