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If a child plays with food

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If a child plays with food

Some parents are faced with an issue like the game at the table. Baby, just learn to act with a spoon, suddenly begins to have little, devoting most of his time playing with a spoon, with food, cups and other tableware. This happens primarily because he was not as hungry as at the beginning of feeding. One day I was approached by a mother two years of the baby, who complained that each feeding ends, the child runs away from her and she with a plate and spoon goes after him, at the opportune moment skarmlivaya him another spoonful of food. During the conversation, it became clear that the first baby is eating alone, as saturation begins to play it lying on the table objects, and then generally rises in the chair, or runs out of the table. I advised the mother to stop feeding the child and remove all food from the table as soon as it begins to spoil. Hence, at this point it is partially or completely satisfy your hunger, so you should not feed him forcibly.

Once the child stops paying attention to the food, standing in front of him, we can assume that he has eaten enough. Despite some disagreement with my recommendations (the mother believed that the child should always eat the whole batch without a trace), the boy's parents still have to clean the plate of food, as soon as he starts to play at the table and roll. As a result, it was soon realized that at the first sign of pampering with a plate of food is removed, so there is a better place. In addition, the boy had an opportunity to establish himself volume of a portion, which is enough for him to saturation, so the next feeding, he managed to get hungry so that parents are less and less have problems with his appetite.

If your baby starts to act up, requiring a plate of food back when you're clearing the table, give him another opportunity to eat. The main thing in this case - to maintain patience and forbearance. If a child has food , calmly explain to him that food should not be playing for this, there are toys. When a child again turn away from the plate, remove the rest and try to switch his attention to something else. Encourage your child to the fact that as soon as it becomes saturated, the food is removed immediately before the next feeding. You should not finish feeding him later, because this way you only interrupt his appetite before the next feeding. If a kid at first refused to eat, and then very hungry, take the next meal a little early.
Surely he was happy to eat all that you have to offer. If a child again leaves the food on your plate, it means he had eaten enough. You better reconsider children's portions. Perhaps you cast him too much food for a reception, and only because of this you have various problems associated with child nutrition. From early childhood, give your child the opportunity to choose a diet and decide how much food he needs. If possible, eliminate products are not only useless but even harmful to the developing organism, especially in large quantities. Then your baby without error himself can properly gain a diet and get all the fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
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