If a chronically unlucky in his personal life - three pieces of advice
If a woman chronically unlucky in his personal life, magicians claim that is entrusted with the "crown of celibacy." Is it possible to get rid of this corruption and how to find happiness?
From time immemorial, there is the notion of "the crown of celibacy," the mystical confluence of circumstances, when, as on the carousel, from generation to generation, women have repeated the same situation. Grandma was unhappy mother was not lucky, and you seem not too light simply female happiness. But not always, "the crown of celibacy - it's someone else's negative interference in our lives. Often the woman herself condemns himself to loneliness. After all, easier to be sick to regret it, it's easier to refer to evil spirits, but would do nothing itself. It's also true that women often hope: if thou comest to his grandmother, everything will be decided by itself. And here and there. One trip to a witch does not change the life, it helps eliminate sore, but "preventive maintenance" will fall on you. It's like having a dentist: a doctor will put a seal, but will have to brush your teeth every day!
Tip One: time to act
Let's still see, what is the "crown of celibacy." It is a condition where a woman is not lit from within. It is invisible to others, including those for men. She did not seem in the sky and the earth, and not sleeping and not awake, and restless night and day poludremny. Its nothing pleases, all the same, she does not believe to itself, and, besides, she bored with itself, it had no power and energy. After all, every evil eye, and the curse of corruption - is an attempt to destroy your aura.
And the lovers see each other not with the eyes, they feel each other exactly at the energy level, and if you are not received any signal, not the internal light comes, then no you will not see. And it does not matter when and how did you get into this situation, no matter who put a curse on you: Does this spell or business of your own hands, the main thing - to urgently do something. Invent an occupation that brings you joy. Begin to focus on your spiritual development.

Need help, go to whom you believe. Believe in God, go to church, believe in witchcraft, go to his grandmother, believe in psychoanalysis, go to a shrink. They are all in order to help you understand yourself, look at yourself, and maybe you'll find out together. And then - your work on them. It is very difficult to find and save myself, but my motto is: "Weep and act!" You may be suffering, you can be insanely complex, but pull yourself as Munchausen, by the hair from the swamp! Until you start to act until we ignite a fire inside, until you do not believe in yourself, nothing will change.
Another question is how are you love? If you love yourself raskvashennuyu, dull, gray, then you are not interested in myself or others. Make yourself be what you imagine yourself in a dream, aspire to this model. People should know what he is talented, who he is and why he had come into this world and go on your way. After all, we come into this world alone and depart alone, and marriage - not a priority. If you are self-sufficient, doing something, you are comfortable. then the other will be with you comfortably, and there is no damage you will not break. Any hole in their energy field, you patch up his strong spirit and love for peace.
Tip two: do not be lazy
Often think: "That'll go to the grandmother, she will remove me," the crown of celibacy, and all will be well. " Yes, it will remove, you might marry, and married, then start your own story. And if you are angry because of what is not realized as a person, will be "lazy and incurious, as Pushkin said, the first run away from you husband. And that, again, go to the grandmother to do a love spell?
In olden Veil woman says a prayer-spell "Mother Mother, cover the ground with snow, and I zhenishkom. Always and everywhere a woman asked, begged his female happiness, word of mouth passed on knowledge, but now it's disappeared somewhere.
Tip three: find your mascot
Incidentally, the Cossacks have the custom to share women's happiness. Happens to have a good, hard-working women are good and evil, no she did not want to, but there is no love. Then she takes something from the food and goes to that which is happy: the husband she has, and her kids are healthy, and she Laughs. Comes to a happy one that still love eschewed. and says: "Share, Katyusha, happy women." And Katya puts on her neck a little knitted slippers, saying: "Be happy" and kisses her thrice. And somehow have requests all in their personal lives to normal.
Amulets, talismans, amulets help if you believe in their power. In some people it still pagan amulets, others - in a temple consecrated crosses. They can be any object that we are coded for luck and happiness. For example, you have a lucky sweater: When you put on it, all certainly going well. Well, what is not a mascot? The most important thing - always have positive mood and in good faith. Even if the incurable says with conviction: "I still live awhile!" - He really lives. How it works is unclear. But it works! ..