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If a loved one under the age of

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If a loved one under the age of
Unequal marriages were at all times, but for some reason so happened that to perceive only one marriage in which a man was older women, even significantly. But if you lay an unequal marriage in which a woman was older than her lover - the marriage caused a mixed reaction, and mostly negative. It was not only during our prababok and their ancestors, this attitude persists to this day. Behind the backs of women are beginning to whisper and mock. In a sense the young men almost never believe, considering it to Alfonso, careerist - just anyone, but not a loving husband. It would seem well let them say the main thing that we're happy, alas, but abstract from the society in which you're not, no matter how hard they tried.

Sometimes, as the woman herself did not say that it is higher than the surrounding and are not aware of this, and despite it being under the influence of prejudice, a woman begins to cheat. Gradually she begins to suffer from complexes, even if the age difference is not so great, for example, 5 - 7 years. The woman thinks that the youth is held in a few years it will start to age much faster than her husband. Worst of all, in the end it starts to be jealous of her companion to a young girl. But if you face the truth she does it for nothing. Did you pay attention to how to change and the younger woman who appears younger than her partner? Man on the contrary, being with a woman who wants to look older than respectable and the confidence to be her match. Where this green and foolish virgins to this elegant, wise and experienced ladies?

In show business unequal marriages and unions have become the norm - it's Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin, Hope Babkin and Eugene Gore, Lera Kudryavtseva and Sergei Lazarev, the list goes on. After all, look at these women, each of them shines with happiness and, despite his age, looks great! Despite the fact that evil tongues at the beginning of the novel predicted a quick break, but as you see and hope Babkin and Alla more than one year are happy with their young counterparts, and they ask Sergei seems all pretty seriously. In the West, are also quite popular unequal marriages. Around the novel Demi Moore and Ashton catcher there were many conversations in the press, no one took them seriously Union, all were convinced that for Demi and catcher is a love story for a couple of weeks. But as you see, a couple for six years together, of which nearly 4 years in a formal marriage, and despite the age difference in 15 years!

Of course, the age difference is visible, despite the plastic surgery and careful attention to their appearance, but remember, looked like all these women 10 years ago, when their life was not young lovers? They looked older than now! This suggests that the young partner is an incentive for women, as long as possible to stay young and beautiful. So is it bad? And then after all in love with her young man was not for her looks, he saw in it a person, a smart, interesting, unusual, just prefer it to hundreds of young women.

Personally, I do not see in such unions is nothing wrong or unnatural, but rather a marriage with an old man for me has always been nonsense. As is well known sexually active women reaches its peak by 30 years and kept at this level until 50-60 years and from 30 to 40 is considered to be the brightest. In men, on the contrary, the peak of a period of 25-30 years, but closer to 40 it will gradually decrease. Therefore, marriage is 25 years old beauty and 45 year old man for me has always been a mystery, and it begs the question - well, another 5 years, and then what? But the 25 year-old man and 40 year-old woman - everything is clear, even from the standpoint of physiology!

Star of TV series "Sex and the City" Kim Cattrall says that women are fit only after forty young men. They are full of energy, looseness, and they involve power and independent women. Confirmation of these words was her affair with Alan Wyse, when they met, she was 48 and he 28 years old. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, Kim broke up with her boyfriend, despite the fact that she was almost 53 years! And Alan just threw it, thinking that they are not on the road. Such a scheme of relations in pairs, where the woman is older than men, breaks all the stereotypes, because for some reason we tend to think that this man casts as a result of a woman older than he. This example serves as further proof that we should not go on about prejudice! Do not think that all marriages with young men develop in the same scheme, it appears, in practice, everything looks completely different!

The number of pairs in which a woman older men is growing every year, if in the 60's the numbers were 15% of the total number of marriages, in the late 90's this figure had increased to 28%. Moreover, each year a growing number of marriages in which the wife of 10 years or more older than her husband. In Moscow, for example, of the 60,000 yearly marriages around 5000 - a pair with a difference in age from 7 to 10 years in the direction of the bride. And as each year about a thousand of marriages where the bride is older than the groom for 10 years or more. If we consider that many unions are not registered at all, people prefer to live a civil marriage, it can be assumed that couples in which a woman older than her man so much more. Many see such marriages as simply a tribute to today's fashion, that there is no sense in such a union is not and can not be. But the statistics speak for themselves, such marriages were, are and will be. The number of broken pairs in such unions, no more than traditional ones. So the argument that the unequal marriage would not last long - absolutely unfounded.

If people love each other and be happy, regardless of their ages, the marriage will stay exactly as far as enough of their love, just like in any other union. And let as many friends assert that you have found a boy who will change you and throw in a month - do not listen to anyone. Throw you absolutely can any man, even one that is older than you for 20 years. Is it important how to renew your relationship? Someone living in a marriage all his life without loving, but someone let live for several years with her beloved, but as always dreaming about it. Perhaps it is this man you've been waiting all my life, so really banal prejudices make you give up love? Personally, I think it's better to live with a loved one younger than you, than loved, but fitting into a ridiculous standard, invented by our ancestors.

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