If a man is manipulating you
You think that you are very easily influenced by the stronger sex? You feel you are not able to resist their manipulations? In order to rebuff the manipulators, you must learn to understand themselves and their goals. In order to expose the manipulator, always try to anticipate future developments, think ahead, try to figure out the purpose men before he voiced it. Be alert and always keep alert failure, if the sentence you are not interested in men. If a man is manipulating you , and like a spider draws you into their network, then you should abandon his proposals.
Give an example of a call-arm men and women who succumbed to his influence and was unable to resist his manipulations. A man starts his conversation as follows: "I really like you, and I would like to talk with you alone," - start a conversation is quite friendly and seemingly does not contain any threat. After hearing this confession, a girl, of course, flattered, humbled, she tries to respond to the sincerity sincerity. She agrees to a date. With the agreement, the young man does not give her time to recover, he immediately invites her two options goodbye: a hotel outside the city or an apartment in a local motel.
Girl confused and not know what to choose. The man insists on a quick decision. She decides that the city should not go, and selects the most suitable, in its view, the option - a hotel in the city. The man orders a fairly expensive room, the room he treats his chosen one champagne and delicacies - all costing him dearly. The girl starts to feel uncomfortable, she feels that due to its companion. She realizes that is unlikely to be able to refuse him if he asks her to spend the night with him. As a result of what happens.
In this case, there is a skillful manipulator of men and their inability to confront him with the girls side. As it was necessary to do in this situation? The girl did not even try to calculate the target of this man, although it was obvious from the outset. The man asked her to arrange a meeting not in a restaurant or a park, a hotel, this one could conclude what he achieves. In this case, a man cleverly used manipulative techniques. He invited the girl to an imaginary alternative: either to spend time in a suburban hotel, or in the city. In fact, the essence of the proposal has not changed. In such a situation she could herself proposed a third scenario, for example, take a stroll in the park or go to a favorite cafe. She did not do so, and has been at the mercy of his companion.
But, even accepting his proposal, it should not feel embarrassed, feel somewhat obligated to his companion. The girl was confused because the man badly spent - it is another method of manipulation. The man figured that by making a gift to his companion, was in a kind of service, he can ask her about anything. And so it happened, she could not refuse when he made it quite candid proposal. Error girls in this example is very illustrative: it can be concluded that in dealing with a man need to be alert, able to compute its goals in advance and be able to refuse if its goals do not coincide with your wishes.
Be extremely careful
Often men are successful manipulators of the banality of female carelessness. Women are not always able to focus on the main subject of conversation, they are very easy to switch to foreign objects. Therefore, another extremely important piece of advice: in communion with men, be careful! In a conversation with a man you should always filter out superfluous information and leave only the most important - things for which man started the conversation. How to learn to concentrate on the main subject of conversation? First of all, remember the basic tricks of the manipulator, by which he might try to switch your attention to distract you, to confuse.
For example, during a conversation a man can suddenly remember an important meeting at which he allegedly was late, or that an urgent call that he needed to do. So he switches to your attention. Your task - to concentrate on his request, and try not to be distracted by these tricks. Very often handles after the application of this technique are asking you to immediately give a final answer to a question or make a decision. In order not to fall for these tricks, you should again check with your interlocutor are his requests or suggestions.
If a man is manipulating you do not be afraid to ask again, to refine, to interrupt. Some very successful using the method of "fast speech", in order to confuse people. This method of manipulation designed to inadequate care of a man who could miss the important details of a conversation because of the rapid pace of speech buddy. If you encounter such a ploy, ask the person to reduce the rate of speech and start over. Or at the very beginning, set some clarification question - is immediately hit by the robot arm to the rhythm.
Another way to shift attention - is the translation of the conversation.
Here are some examples:
-Honey, I'm now going to meet up with friends. But you know you look great today. You changed the hairstyle?
-Honey, I'm leaving on a business trip for a week. Dinner today was excellent. You seem to be added to chicken curry?
Similarly, men often distract our attention from the important subject. The essence of manipulation is clear: the woman simply has no time to reflect on the information received, and usually meets on the last questions put to it, losing sight of what was said at the outset. To avoid this happening to you, try to directly confront manipulation: not responding to questions posed by the counter:
"I do not hear when you meet with your friends.
-Repeat, please, when you're going on a business trip.