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If a person close to the addict

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If a person close to the addict

Some human habits simply can not be explained, but sometimes complete nonsense does not look as much out of place in certain circumstances. For example, dyeing eyelashes are much more comfortable with an open mouth, and the quality make-up at the same time much better. Bad habits - not just the consequences of poor parenting. Each of them talks about some internal problem. For example, the habit of crunching with your fingers, shook his foot tapping on the table indicates that the removal of emotional stress the body tries to activate some motor function. If once this has helped - the habit is fixed, as a tool to help in this situation. Such habits can be eradicated without serious consequences, by replacing it with a similar, but less noticeable to others. For women this often - a handkerchief, handbag or end of the strap, for men - a cigarette or a pencil in his hand.

But there is a habit or addiction that are really dangerous and harmful. This addiction to alcohol, drugs, gambling, and addiction to something as fact. In a series of addiction, disturbing life together, the first place, no doubt, is drug addiction. Addiction is an illness - and it is difficult to be cured. This disease is not only the body but also spirit, total psychological and physical dependence. Addict gradually loses self-esteem, losing friends, family, work. Drugs have become the meaning of his life, the main component. They supersede all. As a result, people will inevitably come to a complete moral and physical decay and death.

Grief junkie brings to their loved ones, is not comparable to anything else. It is impossible to calmly watch as your own people slowly killing themselves. Help in this situation is very difficult, as drugs become part of the biochemical processes occurring in the body a drug addict. And psychological dependence on the "buzz" is closely intertwined with severe physical dependence. If the person close to an addict - an addict, you have two choices. First - absent, to step aside and leave the man die slowly. There is a second way - to try to cure a favorite for drug addiction. But this option is possible only if the person wants to give up drugs. Because the force to heal from addiction is not realistic.

Few manage to help a favorite part with drugs and survive. Such cases are still there. It sounds and looks very romantic from the outside. But, aware that the advertising of such cases is useful and positive, we add to those who believe that the power of love, diligence and dedication can accomplish this miracle, say all these girls and women: to cure a drug addict - a monstrous, incredibly, inhumanly difficult. Before you jump into that abyss, ask yourself - if you have what this Love itself?
After all, you will steal, cheat, abuse. To your house will come a strange and terrible personality - and if you have children? In a drug addict can be long, it can do everything for the sake of the dose. He will not hear you, you look at how he suffers and degrades. Even if the disease is conquered, you life will be afraid that it would return after a chance meeting with an old friend, for the slightest trouble, after the most minor spats. This threat will remain for the addict for life. Will there be something after all this, from your love? And if you have children, what then? You leave them to treat her husband?

Will there be enough strength, patience and constant expectations return of the disease, even after she seemed to have receded? Ask about this or just look at these "winners". They dimmed eyes, and scared the motion. So if you're not sure, that your love is a miracle, do not handle the case. But what about when a spouse has become an addict after a segment of living together over?

I must say that addiction rarely occurs after the first adoption of the drug. Oddly, if the family where normal, trusting relationship is found unexpectedly. This suggests that you are not there watching and many do not know any of his spouse or life in general. Either you are inattentive and indifferent to him, or your relationships have not defined the term "family". During persistent dependence preceded by a period of habituation, and that partner's behavior has changed, and there appeared a number of grounds on which you can smell a rat - this is the moment when you can still make a difference. It was then that should sound the alarm and fight for a loved one and your family. That these signs:

● Sudden mood swings, the feverish, then apathy, explosions of emotion or a complete non-contact

● Stealth, unexpected departure from home

● Loss of money and things

● Changing the mode of the day

● Sleep Problems

● feverish blush

● Changing the smell (in the case of herbal drugs)

● Changing the intellect and the mode of communication, loss of interest in the family, memory impairment, delay in replying to questions

● The appearance of unexplained suspicious persons, phone calls, etc.

All this is cause for concern. What to do? Often the conversations do not help. You can try to drastically change the situation. If you believe that your worst suspicions were justified, then just say so. Put the condition - the drugs or the family. Try to reach the consciousness of the spouse. Here, you will need all your love, trust and knowledge of tried and tested partner, his weaknesses, beat on the vanity, the prospects, trade, cry, threaten, do anything to get his attention. Perhaps you have time to time. But the doctor needs is mandatory. If the person is still alive, his soul is not yet fully immersed in the fog, then you may be able to overcome what has not yet gained full force and did not destroy you dear man.

Currently, you can refer to Narcologist anonymously. But - consider all, think about whether to go to the victims of excessive, especially when you have kids. The fact that drug addiction is considered by many - is not just a physical addiction. This kind of defect of the soul. Man is more like living in a dream world than to overcome life's difficulties with you. Before you sell an apartment or all of the house, leaving to the middle of nowhere, running headlong at a brothel, consider whether you have the right to do this or you should think about themselves, children, parents and the lives of the rest of the family. Self-sacrifice - that's fine, but only if a need to sacrifice and if it makes sense - it's up to you.
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