If he is too shy
You would think that he is not fond of you because they do not show their feelings openly, does not want to expose their love for show. Your partner is not very impulsive: he does not try to kiss you in public, to pinch his cheek, called her cutie with your friends. Can I check his senses, demanding from him a public manifestation of his love, if he is too shy? For lovers peculiar demonstration of their feelings in public. Very often, we see that the two lovers just do not notice that they are not alone, and quite clearly show their feelings in public.
They prefer to openly demonstrate that they are in love, and not at all confused reproaches old women, requiring "stop this outrage." If you belong to this category of love, then your openness - it is a serious argument in favor of your feelings for each other. But if you notice that your beloved shy away from publicly cited statement of his feelings, do not rush immediately to make the disappointing findings. It is not only in the strength of his feelings. As you know, people are the type of temperament are divided into extroverts (open) and introverts (closed). Belonging to your lover to one of these types may explain his reluctance to show their feelings in public.
If he is too shy , its closeness is not a sign of his coldness and insincerity. Most likely, he feels insecure and awkward in society. It is usually the same mood - he was not gay and do not be sad, dressed unobtrusively in order not to become either an object of envy, nor an object of ridicule, he neemotsionalen outwardly, but inside him seethe real passion. These are signs that your lover is classified as introverts.
Such people are closed in nature. Demand from a shy person evidence of his senses in the form of an open manifestation of their love in public should not be. If your boyfriend is too shy, then you will be satisfied with his caresses and tenderness only when you are alone with him. If he is used to publicity, sociable and always very willing to show their feelings in public, then it belongs to the category of extroverts. But you notice that your beloved for some reason not very active in showing their love, does not want to demonstrate or even hide from those around her affection for you.

Such behavior should raise your suspicion. You may request evidence of his senses in the form of public kisses and caresses. Try it yourself to act as an initiator at first: kiss him more passionately than usual, tight hug in public transport - and look at his reaction. If he resists, if you do not want such openness on your part, then most likely it is something shy or afraid - perhaps that he is still not fully confident in their feelings, so do not want to prematurely declare them around, and maybe Perhaps he just shy of your relationship - for example, you do not meet the conventional standards of beauty, for example, you're a little overweight or a bit older than him in age.
Anyway, if you encounter a problem that your beloved shy to show their feelings in public, then your best bet is to talk to him about it and find out the true cause of his behavior. If he can satisfy your curiosity, and it is reasonable to justify their "timidity", then you should not put to him by his little weakness in reproach. And if he can not explain intelligibly why he hesitates to express his love, he's deliberately hiding it from others, concealing their feelings. This fact casts doubt on his sincerity.