If his overprotective mother in law crazy
From a letter to a young woman: "Hello! Ask for advice do not have anybody, so there was one hope for you. My husband and I decided to take it to my mom, my mother in law, as it is an elderly woman and her age is very difficult to live alone. I was not hard to take care of it and take care of her, at her age and forgetfulness can be forgiven, and deafness. Bothers me more. Mother-reared his son, my husband alone, so best used to give him. And the appearance of grandchildren has not changed her attitude to her son. Her whole universe revolves solely around her beloved son.
Husband was also not happy with this, and overprotective of care, but can not do anything, it's his mother. For me, the situation becomes unbearable. I have already started using sedatives to somehow regain composure. All attempts to discuss the situation with her mother in law she is equally responsible, they say, soon I will die and will live as you want.
Her friends advised her mother to hand over to a shelter for the elderly. Husband about it and not hear, as he has before his mother certain moral obligations, he says. "
Love - the best way
Very nice when people, seeking advice from a psychologist, have themselves to think things through, analyzed, and suggest some developments. Struck by the wisdom of the people and at the same time wonder how they can not see the right decision for your situation yourself? Why do people not have the courage to see for themselves the truth and try to rectify the situation for the better?
If you have lofty intentions, taking to his mother in law, then stick them in the future. Offering their services to care for the husband's mother, you probably know what challenges await you consciously went for it. This situation is the test which, for whatever reasons, was prepared exactly to your family, and to pass it must be decent.
After all, you do not deny that a sincere desire to help a loved one your husband to support her and take care of her. You have rightly noticed that the mother-in at her age is hard enough to live alone.
All her life she was carrying his cross - she was raising her child lived, deprived of male support and love. You have all this now is, perhaps this is the way to thank the world for your happiness? That in-law did your husband such a wonderful, caring and considerate of how you love it. She also as You have the right to his love and support. It was she who taught the heart of your husband to love selflessly and faithfully, and you should be for this grateful.
How would in-law did not try it at the subconscious level compares how do you feel about the unique value in her life. It is not indifferent to everything else, it is - infinite motherly love for his son.
While professional ethics can not treat people exclusively with the position of male and female psychology, however, only women inherent in the struggle for a man, even if it is - her son. In the world history of psychotherapy is not when this happens between a father and son, and almost every family can be traced opposition-in-law and daughter.
This war is for love of a man as a trophy, it hurts very much and sad because the man is very hard to see how the quarrel closest to it women - mother and wife. He can not accept a draw away and he had to be torn between both of you. In your battles he awaits the fate of a lightning rod that it is hardly satisfied.
Try to reconsider its attitude towards in-law. Now she is another person who needs your care. Try to thank her for her son, to make it light and happy old age, give her a little love and warmth, which she was deprived of life, dedicating it to your husband. Become a good example for your children, that they may see how you and your husband take care of his grandmother.
Try to establish a relationship with her mother in law, it is necessary to you and your husband and her. Hug her and say the words that live in your soul, but had until now exit. Tell us how you thank her for her son, as you like and appreciate it. Arrange in-law did not fight and protect his family together, providing two of peace and harmony in the house. Adopt a joint decision to do everything possible to make every effort to make the life of her son and your husband has become more cheerful and bright. Wholeheartedly believe in the possibility of your friendship and make every possible effort to do so.