If indecision prevents communication
In case if indecision prevents communication can be in the initial stages of formulating a personal tactic behavior. Must prepare in advance certain topics of conversation, specific phrases, etc. The forthcoming meeting can lose mentally before a mirror, writing on paper in a circle of trusted friends, not only your eternal critics. To maintain a conversation beforehand to stock up interesting information.
As an alternative to get rid of indecision - is to learn to communicate with strangers. However, taking into service this device, it must be remembered that the probability of failure is particularly high, and may not be worth giving your child such tasks as to get acquainted with unfamiliar children, the child may fear the same things as you do! After all, a stranger may simply refuse to communicate, and if this situation will be repeated again, that shyness only get stronger. It is therefore necessary to think of ways, what issue can turn to a stranger? What would you do if the answer? Which is the traveler will be able to come? In this case, the stock of ready-made forms of behavior should not be very large, but are universal ("for all occasions"). When you can answer these questions for yourself, you can help your baby.
It is very important to deadhead, whether adult or child, positively perceive the world. There are techniques that allow a person to maintain a positive attitude. Having mastered these simple techniques, a shy person will be able to take a more proactive stance, get the energy to achieve their goals. American psychotherapist Elwood Chapman offers some psychological diet. Indicate some features of this "diet".
1. Nice beginning and end of the day. Importantly, falling asleep thinking about that this morning you will certainly expect something good, pleasant. This can be either the same or different. This "tablet" for the night should become a habit. Pleasant events during the day do not replace these two periods.
2. Fixation of positive impulses. Need during the day to pay attention to everything, even the tiniest pleasant events. Well, if the hand is a notebook and pen to mark those nice plus events that is happening to you. This accounting is useful to keep for three months. During this time, the habit of noticing positive things in life.
3. Compliance with the proportion of positive and negative factors. It is believed that for the buoyant state of the person to the ratio between positive and negative factors in the ratio 6:1 (a small number of negative factors necessary to maintain the vitality). For a balanced state of the proportion should be 3:1 (three positive one negative factor). If this seems impossible, we must make additional efforts, up to a pre-thought-out list of possible pleasures.
4. Compliance with the proportion of care and recreation. During the week, at least one day should be devoted to rest and relaxation.
5. Preservation of the positive subjects of conversation. To do this:
1) try to deal with fewer topics with negative emotions;
2) When conducting an unpleasant conversation immediately after it switched to something nice;
3) if someone took the conversation in a negative way, try as soon as possible to translate the conversation into a positive channel;
4) If a person was fixed opinion that he says just about anything bad, then cut contact with him to a minimum;
5) among the information received from the media, rumors, books, etc., to find as many positive and share that information with loved ones.
6. General relaxation, combined with figurative representation. It is important for two days - three times in 10-15 minutes for the general relaxation. Need to take a comfortable position, put his hands on his knees, palms up, focus on your breathing. Should consider this: one, two, three (inspiration) - one, two, three (hold your breath) - one, two, three, four (exhale) - one, two, three (hold your breath). Breathing in a rhythm and consistently try to relax the muscles of the face, neck, shoulders, arms, back, back, abdomen and legs.
Many psychologists advise in cases where a problem is to establish personal contact with the interlocutor, to begin training with mediated communication. For example, you use the phone and call on the radio or television to convey greetings and to express their views on the transfer, call the nearest store and order the product you are interested in, etc. Some psychologists are advised to look at the work of a stranger and force yourself to express his approval, for example, a saleswoman at the store said with a smile: "How clever you get to cut the cheese ...". In this case, the tone of your speech should not be patronizing, but friendly and a little envious, as if you were very sorry that they themselves do not know how. When the tone is chosen correctly, the interviewee usually answer you with a smile or positive feedback replica.