If it matches your vision for the future?
Do you often discuss with your loved ones future plans? I do not mean the picnic next Sunday, but what awaits you in a year or two or ten? How often do you dream together? Matches Have your views on the future? If you're afraid to ask questions about the intentions and plans for the future of your lover, then you make a mistake. It's also a test of his feelings for you. If your lover does not share their innermost thoughts, it means that he is not ready to reveal his soul and let you into their secrets, and therefore not sure of his choice.
If he likes to chat with you about what he expects from life, you will notice a place in his stories is paid to you if it matches his vision of cloudless happiness with yours, is he with your opinion or in his head his plan, which you do not fit the definition. For example, you're dreaming of a quiet, cozy little house somewhere far away from the big cities and busy roads where a lot of fresh air, and the nearby pine forest.
And that someday you are sure will lead this horse. It will be black as pitch, leggy, and its mane is waving in the wind. And your lover with a passion describes the future bachelor banker, who lives in the heart of the big city, in the most smoky parts of it. He wants to find yourself some exotic predators - such as crocodile or tiger. Couple Does he tell you? If it does not release you to your happy future of the place, then the alert - it just is not ready to let you go, most likely his sense is not strong enough, and he still does not think about how to connect your destiny.

There is another good way to validate your feelings beloved. Try to be carried away with your chosen one to "X" years ahead and imagine your ideal retirement. For example, you see yourself as a fairly young and modern grandmother, uses the latest anti-aging, you are active and progressive exercise, arrange for a party, listening to pop music and begging for her granddaughter "rags" vilify. And your partner is itself a very different age - a quiet and secluded, somewhere in the mountains, in a rather large, but quiet house that looked like a real English castle. Guests in his dreams, you visit often, a favorite way to spend leisure time - to sit together by the fireplace and read a book.
If your future plans radically diverge, then you should not just leave, thinking that you are not a couple. Do not try to get your vote to change its view about the future, do not require him to do the impossible: that he gave up his dream for you. In such a situation it is best to wait: if you are well along in this, if you have a lot in common, it is quite possible that in the near future visions of the future, too, would coincide. But if you and this little in common, then most likely you're unlikely to ever become a harmonious pair.