If the appointment was not as desired
No more ridiculous situation for a first date, than when two men in this meeting are dying of boredom. Do not do a complete waste of time when so many interesting and exciting things you can learn at this meeting! Know that even with the most beautiful woman can get bored if you and your partner do not care about the organization in advance of your meeting. Of proper organization of the meeting to a greater extent the success of the meeting itself. We can not allow boredom in relationships where issues are resolved between two people, the most important of which is: are you ready to continue meeting with this person. Could it be that more people will come to you at the meeting, pomyanuya about how boring it was the first time.
People just do not want to be the second time in an awkward situation and look ridiculous, and all he can think that you not only for the first time, but always so uninteresting. The most important rule to date was not boring - it's fun and lively conversation. And for this we must avoid those boring, unpleasant, and philosophical arguments, disputes and conflicts. Do not skimp on the emotions, and your evening will take place quietly and ends abruptly. If none of you are considering drawing on the wall or ceiling, do not sigh, do not look at the floor or out the window, does not consider the neighbors in the table, consider their task completed. Do not forget the main thing: boredom - your enemy and the pest is to attract people. Do everything possible to avoid lengthy pauses!
The first appointment is not for the scenes of jealousy
Your jealousy may render you unkind service: thus you really flatter his vanity, and he imagines himself that you have it, and nowhere on it does not go away. You can and do spoil him. Another man might simply provoke your jealousy to determine the extent to which you are jealous. Do not succumb to provocation, hold themselves with dignity: do not cry and do not be offended, but rather show that you value yourself, although it can be loud and quietly remind him where and with whom he is now, or to pacify his stern look.
Maybe so that your jealousy - a feeling of subjective and it is - personally, your problem and vice. Get rid of this feeling, which is an obstacle in establishing a healthy relationship between a man and a woman, and themselves, too, do not become the cause of jealousy. Generally speaking, educated and serious-minded people would not be in the beginning of a relationship or cause jealousy or jealous of themselves. Whatever it was, the jealousy - a premature sense for a first date. Think about how you look, if roll scene. And let slide your actions will not be as extreme and forced measures as a challenge to jealousy. Jealous people always binds a partner does not allow him to live freely, without looking back. Jealousy, in the end, can destroy any relationship. Build your relationship on trust - in fact, on what is built and friendship, and love, leave each other the right of choice and respect for each other.
Do not cut off at the root
On the first date is to be more attentive to his handpicked. It is not necessary to reject once and for all his plans, the principles that you do not like. Do not have to obey the impulses of his mood, the first impression may be mistaken. Principles of idealism, perfectionism are very beautiful in itself, but it is not suitable to build a lasting, harmonious relationship between human beings. Human relationships will be preserved only if they are a constant relationship, sensitivity to each other, understanding, caring about each other.
Take the time to whatever conclusions it, even if a date was not as desired. On the first date limit yourself in the diagnoses, remember that the "hack at the root of" quick and easy, but you may regret it. Better in dealing with people stick to the rules: "Seven times measure, cut once." To restrain themselves in a variety of impulses, it is necessary first of all, to respect the opinions of others, to foreign interests. And secondly, we must be able to listen carefully to the interlocutor, to seek to understand his motives. You should not be so arrogant to deny everything that you do not like, from the very first meeting. You can make mistakes, do not know all the details, but after a while themselves'll wonder how you were wrong.
Does not terminate abruptly meeting
If you decide that your appointment time to bring to an end, then carefully prepare this for your partner. No need to dramatically and unexpectedly cut short a meeting. This may adversely affect the impression on a date with you. Meeting must logically conclude that to your new friend is not a surprise. Man on a first date nervous, and all kinds of surprises can knock him confused, worried even more. Give him assess the situation and to prepare mentally, to gather courage.
With your hand will be impolite to refuse that it will take you to the house, but no one should force you, if you call the cause of failure. Do not break off the interview abruptly, even if you wanted it, be sure to move the person to complete. This is extremely unethical, one begins to think and remember what he had said this or did that led you to such a rapid and robust solution. Even if all the meeting was successful and enjoyable for both, the sudden parting can sow confusion and doubt. The man who does not particularly confident, can not come to the meeting and did not call you anymore because of the fact that you hurry. During the entire visit and farewell both people must take care that the dialogue was enjoyable for both, and goodbye - easy and not burdensome.