If the child fights
Much more typical of such behavior is for boys. This is probably due to a variety of reasons - the male hormones, the expected public behavior, more rough play. Girls are more likely to express their aggression in short, an expression of contempt, "excommunication" on themselves. Before you do anything, make sure that this is a manifestation of aggression, rather than just a game, or the inability to explain their desires. Children see models of this behavior on the streets, in popular television shows, and transferred some of their games.
Many children are still unable to fully control the strong feelings and act impulsively, unable to understand the consequences of their actions. You can and should teach children to act differently in different circumstances: where you need to know how to protect themselves, where necessary - to get away from a fight. If a child fights , limit viewing time fighters and serials, if you can not eliminate them completely. Give your child the opportunity of natural constructive outlet for energy - and forbid not to run, plenty cycling and rollerblading, building houses out of chairs, etc. Make a home like punching bag.
How to cope with the problem, if it already exists
If children start to fight or struggle at the wrong time, tell them: "Now we have time to calmly play (going for a walk, get ready for dinner), but after you will be able to compete, just take the mattress." Agree with your child about some of the rules of combat - not to put the bandwagon, do not kick ... If the child selects the toys and things from the other existing methods of logical consequences: "If you otberesh toy from bones, which can be done?" Help your child understand their behavior. As often as possible when the child is calm, let him know that his behavior is improving: "Look, can you explain to others without kulaks, what you want and the kids take your ideas. Perhaps now you're proud of yourself. "
Swear words
You should not assume that all the bad kids get to kindergarten. In addition to fighting children often speak bad words, this problem is a difficulty, because on the one hand, the adults do not want to "down" use of abusive words, but on the other hand, knows that if it is to pay too much attention, then the children will be swear more. In reality, all without exception, children are sometime and somewhere heard these words before, just now they have entered into the age when they are interested to test their effect on your experience. Typically, there are two typical period when children quarrel: from 2,5 to 3,5 years and from 4 to 5 years.
Talk to your child about the meaning of words that people commonly use to express their negative emotions. For example: I do not like, I'm angry, I hate, I'm angry, hurt me, etc. When a child expresses his feelings acceptable words, praise him: "It's great that you're a human being explained to us how you feel." First you need to figure out why he says swear words. This may be the desire to attract the attention of adults or other children. This may be one way to gain some power over the other, displaying the patience of adults, hurting children. This may be an automatic reaction to insult or anger - the child sees that their parents do so.
If the child is seeking attention and power - completely ignore his words. If other people, the children will complain to you on this, say: "I heard and did not pay attention to it. You can do the same. " Show no emotion or anger, as the child achieves exactly this. A few minutes later, calmly talk to your child about the inadmissibility of the use of these words. If a child utters swear words automatically, or in imitation of adults, to intervene immediately, but very quietly. Tell him that these words might offend others.