If the disease returns
Possibility of a return of the disease - is the biggest fear of patients and their families during treatment. This is particularly an issue rising to the chemically dependent. In fact, whether or not to suffer: "break in two, to overcome the burning desire to use drugs in the first few days and weeks of sobriety, if the probability of failure is very high? Similar doubts arise in patients with peptic ulcer disease, high blood pressure. Should I start a serious treatment if the disease returns and the likelihood of escalation is still high enough? Want to ask a patient: "Is it worth it, falling from a bicycle and smashing your knees, stand up again to learn to ride a bike, or even to just walk?"
In such cases there is a failure, repeated defeat, but we get up again, and again repeat the attempt to learn something. True, such behavior is often characteristic of children. Why does a child do that? Yes, because he no longer wants to walk than lie down. Relapse anyway the case with almost every patient, seeking to recover, regardless of the nature of the disease. Unfortunately, it is almost as inevitable as the fall of the kid who is learning to walk. And the most sensible thing in this situation - not to engage in perpetual self-condemnation, and correctly analyze what happened, not to repeat mistakes in the future.
In the most general form, is the resumption of the disease in its entirety. Relapse - a dynamic process, which has both internal (emotional) and external (behavioral) components. Therefore, to recognize relapse as possible on the specifics of human behavior, and for some emotional expressions. For example, many patients noted that the resumption of the disease is preceded by a relatively long period of depressed mood (they call it a depression), or a period of euphoria.
Others did not survive to the apparent breakdown of emotional distress, but their behavior was observed actions that provoke relapse (inactivity, meeting up with old friends, returning to the old, habitual ways of earning, old patterns of behavior at home and at work). You certainly know these descriptions. Throughout the preceding chapters, we thoroughly investigate all of the elements in the twisted tangle of disease that is addiction.
And now built traffic rules through a maze to the exit. Because relapses - it dead ends in the maze. And now the interested reader is all that is necessary in order to avoid them. So, remember the reasons leading to the aggravation:
· Stress;
· Strong, or rather exorbitant, positive or negative emotions;
· Conflict;
· Social pressure;
· Use of chemical substances (not necessarily drugs).
These reasons reinforce its action in the presence of at least one of the accelerating factors:
· Negative emotional state (more often);
· Poor physical condition;
· Positive emotional state (euphoria);
· Desire to experience the power of will;
· Attraction and seduction;
· Desire to prove to anybody anything;
· Desire to do something to someone out of spite;
· Conflict in relationships;
· Encouraging social environment to drug use (often);
· Association for its positive emotional state with the presence of others.
Chronic diseases
Recall that lies at the heart of exacerbations of chronic diseases. This cause can be called differently: inattention to yourself, self-confidence, lack of self-love. Is not the arrogant behavior of a person suffering from cholecystitis, and knowing that fatty foods can lead to an exacerbation of the disease when they eat fatty pork for dinner? Did hypertensive patients is attentive to their health, when it soared to a bath, knowing that overheat easily causes an increase in pressure? And can it be called a loving man who, knowing that the morning he will be bad in the evening touches alcohol?
The basis of relapse is, above all, it was careless attitude toward themselves. Be considerate and loving yourself means treating the task of maintaining health as priorities. But what about family? A responsibility entrusted to work? Let us remember the good old toast: "Let us be great, the rest will buy!" First and foremost, while maintaining the health pay attention to the prevention of emotional instability, preventing the buildup of hormonal levels. We know several ways. The first - keeping a diary of feelings - helps in times when there is a feeling that life has become monotonous, especially if it is dreary monotony or depressive character. Diary allows you to realize the truth that "everything in this life is." Grief does not last forever. Even during the day she can turn a surprise, irritation, optimism, but these moments do not remain in memory because of the transience.
The second way to prevent emotional instability - the development of the ability to otreagirovaniyu their feelings, so to change them. I want to emphasize the ways otreagirovaniya that help prevent relapse.
· Activities. There may be any options from simple skiing to skydiving.
• Working in the garden of pleasure. Namely the need to remove the excess emotional stress - the reason that many of the world of art stars are addicted to gardening.
· Systematic physical training. In contrast, leisure, these studies should be conducted regularly since their task - not to remove the accumulated emotional stress, but simply to maintain a stable state.
And finally, the creativity and gives stabilization of emotional state. Noting the large number of patients who discontinued use of drugs, open in his creative abilities. Classes are creative act as well as sports. They lead to an increase in formulating their own endorphins and contributes to the harmonization of the individual.
The main causes of failure
Among the main causes of failure include switching to work (which often happens with men) and switching on the family (women). In this sense, is characterized by a sad example of a girl who decided to get out of the drug was taken, have a baby. Her remission lasted one year and three months - the entire period of gestation and lactation. The reason for failure was neglecting personal life, inability to organize themselves pleasure. This is very similar to the behavior of soldiers for a long time staying in the special conditions of strict discipline. As soon as they go on leave, immediately begin to drink and kick up a row.
Just behave, patients healthy condition which can be defined with one word: "terpezh. They are more likely to come to an exacerbation of very soon after treatment. Serious mistakes are the parents of patients, concentrating his life around the child's interests to the detriment of their own. As a result of "stool" of family life upside. The same thing happens to those patients who are at early stages of his sobriety, not having even sufficient skills to maintain their health, many are trying to help others, ignoring their own interests, and almost forget about yourself. What can be done to preserve your health?
· Pay attention to all sides of his personality.
• continue the work in the field of personal growth, initiated in the period ending drug use (in remission).
· Regularly attend group self-help and mutual aid or therapist, especially during periods of emotional instability.
· Regular rest, giving priority to the active, emotionally intense relaxation.
· Categorically excluded from the life situations that could lead to an exacerbation of the disease.
• Avoid situations associated with severe and prolonged emotional experiences.
• In cases where it is not possible to follow the previous recommendations and to eliminate the consequences of such situations to go directly to specialists, without waiting for the flare-up.
Everyone - the blacksmith of his own happiness. From now on, your freedom - in your hands!
You are at someone else's influence?
Test questions:
1. Your immediate boss forces you to work overtime to finish the unfinished work colleagues. What do you do?
A. The correct form explain that your plans are not included - 1.
BS sour face will stay and all do - 3.
B. Try to wriggle out, citing a good cause (the child's visit to the doctor, etc.) - 2.
2. How do you respond to a request from colleagues to perform the work for them?
A. Of course, I'm always happy to help - 3.
B. If I'm not too busy, I can help, and - 2.
B. Never help a stranger in the work - I do not pay for it - 1.
3. Favourite girlfriend wants to lend you money to buy do not need it, the fifth in a row a mink coat, citing the fact that "really want". What do you do?
A. Perezaymete money from friends and give her a loan - 3.
B. Ask her to find a good job or a generous sponsor - 1.
W. would refer to the lack of money and not give her anything - 2.
4. The shop you can succumb to the entreaties of the seller, if he acts and speaks with confidence and aplomb?
A. Never, because I always know exactly what I want to buy - 1.
B. Rarely, but sometimes - 2.
B. Yes, almost always! - 3.
5. Has your life times when you regretted his kindness?
A. It is not often, but it happens - 2.
B. Never, because I am able to deny - as the English say, everyone should carry his own suitcase - 1.
B. Almost always, my goodness me out sideways - 3.
6. The bus situation is tense - you have not noticed an elderly lady, standing right behind you, and gave her his seat. The lady started a fuss. You:
A. give her an angry retort - you still go to work, not from friends, and tired as a dray horse - 1.
B. ignore her attacks, giving her a place with a straight face - 2.
B. try it to understand - what could bring it to life so ... - 3.
The key to the test:
If you scored between 15 and 18 points - you are very cordial and helpful person, always ready to help and do not expect gratitude. But not all people on earth as noble and generous as you, so your kindness, you are also often used to harm, so you are exposed to others' influence . Do not try to help everyone - it's like that sure. To begin, make a list of people - whom you can help in any situation, and who as a last resort. Leave behind those who help you do not want to, but because of their upbringing and features the character you are going contrary to their wishes.
If you scored between 10 and 14 points - you know how to assess the situation realistically and soberly, and in most cases does not allow a command, but still sometimes you're going to make concessions and give concessions to the most beloved and significant others, allowing yourself to use.
If you scored from 6 to 9 points - you are pragmatic, independent, psychologically resistant to others' influence to anyone and never let a lead, you know, what you need. However, there is a risk to overestimate themselves and become callous, cynical, arrogant and stubborn woman.