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If the friendship does nothing

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If the friendship does nothing ..

Why do people communicate with their friends? Think, just for fun? Not at all. Companionship with humans, too, aimed at meeting the various interests. What are the interests we pursue, communicating with proven comrades and loyal friends? In fact, all kinds! We communicate, to share my soul, to hear something interesting and fun, to relax the soul, and interesting to spend time. However, sometimes our own friends contrive to undermine all our communicative interests.

For example, my friend Anya since school years was friends with Kira. Cyrus was the batter. However, Anya, like nobody else knew how to accept people with all their advantages and disadvantages. As the years passed, their friendship continued. But one day, Anna realized that the relationship she do little. Here's how it happened. They met with Kira in their favorite cafe. Anya literally falls apart: it was a lot of news for the girlfriend (she met the man of their dreams and was promoted at work).

-Hi. How are you? - Anya asked what Cyrus broke hour and a half monologue about his hard life.

It turned out Kirina life is horrible. Boss-bitch has got its own claims, nelaskov husband, and she's going to threaten him with divorce, however, she has not yet decided finally in the end, they have many years together ... and there were shoes in the GUM, which Cyrus had long dreamed of, but Money, as always, no, because Kirin "son-dunce" has lost his knapsack, and now have to shell out for a new one. In short, by the end of the monologue Anne was already dozing. When they parted, she realized that she did not report their news, but only listened to complaints and Kirin chimed. To my surprise Anya realized that under the scheme, their friendship is built for many years. These relations do not give her anything, and so why should they continue? So you think if the friendship does not give anything in your interest if this friendship?
Perhaps, this question will seem cynical, but we have in mind not toward mercantile relations and the principle of "just be friends with useful people." Just in your best interest to communicate with those who can get you something to give: mutual understanding, common interests, new knowledge, willingness to listen and advise anything. If the friendship and fellowship you will not give any positive emotion, then why waste time on them?
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