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If the girl you otshila

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If the girl you otshila

How to get away from the girl at the approach of a victorious, even if there is a failure? How to get away from her, not dropping his dignity? After all, what a defeat for the male? This is when a male acknowledges that the female he is too tough. And, of course, if you go away from her, not seduce her, not having achieved what you want - you will feel terrible, simply lowered into the mud. Especially if you have no more immune to such a defeat, but you yourself - sweet, with a gentle soul boy. (Although people with more experience it is produced.) Offers a way out of this situation, especially for you, such a gentle boy.

How to get away without admitting that you dropped your hands? How to leave a winner, if the girl you otshila ? The answer we find empirically. I'll start with the usual story. Today we went together with Cyril on the mission, where it was required to show confidence in dating women. He approached me and said: "You know, Leslie, I am embarrassed by one. When she is not so responsive, I must get away from it. I did feel that communication is not vulgar and it's time to leave. And I am embarrassed by it. How did away with head held high, if she sent me? Since I do not know, I'm scared to approach the girl. I think: what if she sends me, and I was again like an idiot, I will just have to retire. And if I knew how to do so to get away with it - I would have been much more confident. "
Wow! In most gold! I for myself feel that when I leave the loser, no pleasure is not obtained. Conversely, when I know how to get away from her nicely if she is, I'm a hundred times more confident I feel. Question Cyril was very accurate, and I decided that I would write about it in the book. Let's assess the situation. First: she'll rudely and harshly sent. Remain still in positive, do not answer it the same as if you show that you were vulnerable to its failure. Let it be said: "Young man, you know you're not my type." And you tell her: "Come on figs, you fool, you're no angel too:)" Sorry, but this is not an option. Although if you really want her to send, there is nothing to restrain myself, do it. We're not all - of Carnegie. And are not saints, among other things. We can express their emotions and not be ashamed of it. (As we pressed the emotions of 70 years, and now it's time to realize its potential.)

But remember, your rudeness to her in response - a sure loser. Thus, you demonstriruesh lady that she was able to catch you. So you're not emotionally stable. It is stronger than you. Your task is to keep afloat. Imagine that it muraveychik who tries to stab you. And take it like this: you're above it. And it is - a small child. Thinking through the various policy options "retreat" from a woman, we came up with the best and most competent option that always works in your favor. If you're going to use it, you not only save face in front of a woman who wants you to send or get rid of you, but you also leave yourself a chance to continue her dialogue then.

It's very simple. This version of the "Clouser" for the first time applied the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie "Terminator." It's called "I'll be back (I'll be back)». How do I use? See yourself when you feel that communication goes down or not going, or you feel that rush of involvement in the communication has already passed, and it is clear that she had already gone out and about to say, cherished words such as: "Fuck you! ! Gad! "- At this point you say, as if warning her of the following phrase:" Wait, I'll be right back ... "(or" I'll look around for a new place opened, and will come back "). And go!

The main thing is that here you come out the winner, you have not sent, and even if they managed to send to all four sides, you still did not lower his head forlornly and more than that - you promised to come back. You did not give up, and your manhood is preserved. When I told about this option, Cyril, he asked: "And it's like, where to do it and in what situation? And if it is clearly indicated that I absolutely do not like it, then this would really work? "

And I replied positively. In any situation, this method will keep your face intact. And even if it is obvious that you do not come back, here you are the winner, no matter how cool. You promise her that you come back. She did not break you with my negativity, you pleaded not porazhennym.Tut same Cyril approached the girl and began talking to her. And I watch them fit guy. The girl was waiting for him on a date. Cyril said something, turned around and left. The girl smiled enthusiastically. And the guy a little worried, looking at her. I'm guessing that Kirill said:) Guess with three times? Yes, now he has left a winner!
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