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If the husband does not give the salary

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If the husband does not give the salary

In your family, everyone has his own pocket, their costs and revenues? You dream that your beloved will give you everything to the penny. And he continues to hide from you their incomes, and you just about imagine how much he receives. What to do? If you and your lover - held on the individual, having a good job, you may not have asked a similar question. But if you still do not exist a representation of the family budget, your family can not be called complete. In order to get your beloved to reveal all the hidden items of income and expenses, you can use several effective methods of manipulation.

Usually men hide their income in order to make it easier to hide expenses. After all, if you do not know how much he earns, you will not know how many, and most importantly - what he spends his savings. If the husband does not give the salary , your job - "roll out" your man, make him play in the open. This can be done as follows. Try to cross your total cost to him. Let him pay for the purchase of food, utilities, walks into a restaurant and a movie. Its inability to pay, you can explain that, having received a regular salary, decided to look into a fashion boutique and accidentally spent all. So may be repeated more than one month, until your beloved did not offer you a more economical use of your "total" savings. Thus, you will lead him to believe that it's time to merge your financial efforts.
Another option. You may have conceived the idea of buying a car or apartment. The main thing that interested in buying this your man. You can look with a new car, pricing, and consult on options for loans. Thus, you will ignite your male desire as quickly as possible to get this thing. Then you can start to act. "Honey, we can fulfill our dream come true only if we are very frugal, we begin to consider our costs." You can even try to start a book on the family budget, which will monitor your savings. In this situation, your lover is hardly refuse to share their savings, because buying a new car in its best interest. And after it was acquired the concept of "family budget" for both of you will become familiar.
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