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If the man you point blank not to notice

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If the man you point-blank not to notice

How often do men struck a fatal disease that prevents promising fruitful relationship! And this disease is not impotence. Rather, night blindness ... Yes, yes! Sadly, but true! Very often men who are known primarily through the eyes of love, "blinded" and focus do not see charming girls around. If a man you do not notice at point-blank , and shows an annoying insensitivity to your charms, such a relationship, of course, is hardly a promising . However, the chance is still there! To use it to the max, you must first try to untie the man language and find out all about the reasons for his insensitivity to your charms. They can be very different. However, the plan and strategy for their actions is to develop on the basis of the findings.

1.He can not pay attention to you because it is seriously in love with another girl. This case - the least promising. Of course, you can try to break the current pair, but remember here that deal with human beings should be the way you want to do unto you.

2.He can ignore your charms, if just experienced a painful break with ex-girlfriend. How ironic that this is a very good situation for you! To win such a man must be his friend, vest and a psychoanalyst. Awakening in him the confidence, start asking questions about his ex. First, he put you all the information about what girls like and that irritates him in love, which you can later apply in practice. But secondly, when he will talk about his ex-something good and enjoyable take a moment and touch his hand. So you zafiksiruesh it stable association. Your touch will become synonymous for him with pleasant amorous strife. So what if the guy is free, but still loves another, you only need to redirect this love for themselves. And the trick is done!
3.Vozmozhno, the man does not show much interest to you because you're just not his type. It does not matter. For example, my man has always preferred full of blondes. But then he met me, a skinny brunette, and his tastes have changed! Love does not demand sacrifices. Of course, at first I tried to disguise in a platinum color, but in the end looked pretty strange, and my boyfriend had asked to disguise back. By and large does not really matter what color your hair. Character - it is something more. Character, temperament and intelligence. Try to understand what the girls like a warehouse to your hero. Prude or a whore, pie-girl or tomboy, feminine and delicate or risky and independents. After that, try to find a relevant quality and catching her lover for the bait perfectly played the role.
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